
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   April 17, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 23   search   prev   next

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Page One
Admission offers go to 10.2 percent of applicants
The senior thesis

The senior thesis
Challenging issues of identity in the art world
Fueling a start-up company
Surveying views on work-family balance

Renzo Piano selected to design neighborhood at University Place and Alexander Street
Six new faculty members appointed

Staff appointments, promotions

Nassau notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



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Admission offers go to 10.2 percent of applicants

Princeton has offered admission to 1,792 students, 10.2 percent of the record 17,563 students who applied for the class of 2010. Acceptance letters were mailed March 29 to 1,193 students who applied through the regular decision process. Another 599 students who applied through early decision were admitted in December. The University expects 1,220 students to enroll in the class of 2010.

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The senior thesis

The senior thesis, an independent work that typically runs about 100 pages, gives seniors the opportunity to pursue original research and scholarship under the guidance of faculty advisers. This week’s and next week’s issue of the Princeton Weekly Bulletin will profile a group of students who have met that intellectual challenge and more.

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Challenging issues of identity in the art world

As an artist and a student of art history, senior Temitayo (Tayo) Ogunbiyi is drawn to works that challenge conventional notions of categorizing people by appearance, gender, nationality or other easily accessible characteristics. These themes of identity and classification infuse Ogunbiyi’s senior thesis in the Department of Art and Archaeology, where she is completing her major, and the Program in Visual Arts, where she is a certificate candidate.

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Renzo Piano selected to design neighborhood at University Place and Alexander Street

Renzo Piano Building Workshop, a world-renowned architectural firm, has been selected to develop a “neighborhood design” for Princeton’s property at the intersection of University Place and Alexander Street.

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Fueling a start-up company

When they met as freshmen, Nate Lowery and Sebastien Douville, both mechanical and aerospace engineering majors, soon discovered they shared an interest in alternative energies. They never dreamed, however, that by the time they were seniors they would not only have invented a new way to produce an alternative fuel but also would be launching a company based on their idea.

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Surveying views on work-family balance

Concerned with how young professionals — especially women — often struggle to balance work and family life, Amy Sennett has used her senior thesis to assess the expectations of her classmates as they prepare for lives after Princeton.

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Six new faculty members appointed

The Board of Trustees has approved the appointments of six new faculty members — three to full professor and three to assistant professor.

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