International students offer world of ideas

By Karin Dienst

Princeton NJ -- International students coming to Princeton find a wealth of opportunities at their fingertips. They also bring a richness to the campus in the form of their diverse perspectives on the world today.

At a recent Board of Trustees retreat, the discussion revolved around ways in which Princeton could accelerate toward becoming more international.

"The trustees feel it is important that all of our students leave the University with an appreciation of the culture, history, language and perspective of people from other countries," President Tilghman said.

One way students can gain a more global perspective is through their exposure to Princeton's inter- national students. This academic year there are 347 undergraduate students from overseas, which is 7.5 percent of the student body and the highest number in the last seven years. These students come from 67 countries. International students are now admitted on a fully need-blind basis, which creates more possibilities for applicants from a range of financial backgrounds.

This Weekly Bulletin offers a glimpse of some of the opportunities and challenges that await international students at Princeton by focusing on four students, all members of the class of 2004.

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