Princeton Weekly Bulletin Calendar of events

November 11-17, 2002

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Monday, Nov. 11


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4 p.m. Electrical engineering/mechanical and aerospace engineering seminar on electronic materials and devices. "Cyclic Deformation of Thin Film Metals." Oliver Kraft, University of Karlsruhe. C207 Engineering Quadrangle.

4 p.m. Geosciences lecture. "Ultra-high-pressure Orogony: Insights From the Archetypal Qinling-Dabie-Sulu Belt." Lothar Ratsbacher, Universität Freiberg. 220 Guyot.

4 p.m. Mathematics analysis seminar. Victor Nistor, Pennsylvania State University. 314 Fine.

4 p.m. Mathematics PACM colloquium. "The Level Set Method -- What's In It for You?" Stanley Osher, University of California-Los Angeles. 214 Fine.

4 p.m. Princeton Materials Institute/Princeton Center for Complex Materials lecture. "Guided Self-Assembly: Mechanism of Electric Field Orientation of Mesoscopic Silica." Anthony Ku. Auditorium, Bowen.

4:30 p.m. Humanities/linguistics lecture. "What Makes Proper Names Proper?" Geoffrey Nunberg, Stanford University. 62 McCosh.


4:30 p.m. Council of the Princeton University Community meeting. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson.

Tuesday, Nov. 12


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Noon. Population research/demography seminar. "Investments in Sons and Daughters: Evidence From the Consumer Expenditure Survey and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." Shelly Lundberg, University of Washington. 300 Wallace.

12:20 p.m. Princeton Environmental Institute seminar. "Fundamental Catalysis and the Environment: Catalytic Oxidation and Methane Activation." Steven Bernasek. 10 Guyot.

2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Mathematics lectures. "An Introduction to Quasiconvexity, Parts I and II." John Ball, Oxford University and Institute for Advanced Study. 110 Fine.

4 p.m. Mathematics geometric analysis seminar. "A $C^0$-Theory for the Blow-up of Elliptic Equations With Critical Sobolev Growth." Emmanuel Hebey, Université de Cergy-Pontoise. 1201 Fine.

4:30 p.m. African studies lecture. "From Lucy to the Present: A Geologist's Perspective of Climate and Environment Change in Ethiopia." James Aronson, Dartmouth College. 62 McCosh.

4:30 p.m. Center for the Study of Religion lecture. "Imagining the Power of the Goddess: Gender in Yoruba Religious Traditions and Modernity." Jacob Olupona, University of California-Davis. 28 McCosh.

4:30 p.m. East Asian studies lecture. "The Art of Creating Celebrity: Osaka Kabuki Actor Prints, 1810-1825." Andrew Gerstle, University of London. 202 Jones. Social gathering at 4 p.m.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics algebraic geometry seminar. James McKernan, University of California-Santa Barbara. 322 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Music/musicology colloquium. "A New Chapter in the Story of Art Music by Early Jewish Composers: Davit Civita and His 'First Harmonic Fruits' (1616), Once Spoiled, Now Fresh." Don Harrán, Hebrew University. 102 Woolworth.

4:30 p.m. Operations research and financial engineering seminar. "Complexity Measures for Linear Optimization and Computational Complexity of Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities." Levent Tuncel, University of Waterloo. E219 Engineering Quadrangle.

4:30 p.m. Religion lecture. "Bernstein, Rorty and West: Reflections From a Festive Jewish Naturalist." Henry Levinson, University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson.

4:30 p.m. Visual arts/Pozzi illustrated lecture. William Kentridge, draftsman/filmmaker, talking about his work. Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.

4:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. "Eyewitness From Palestine." Adam Shapiro, International Solidarity Movement activist. 016 Robertson.

5 p.m. Mathematics geometric analysis seminar. "Sharp Local Isoperimetric Inequalities." Olivier Druet, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. 1201 Fine.

7:30 p.m. Accion Puertorriquene y Amigos lecture. "The Lost Museum: An Investigation Into Art Looting by the Nazis." Hector Feliciano, journalist. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson.

Wednesday, Nov. 13


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12:30 p.m. Chapel music concert. Music by George Gershwin. David Messineo, organ; and Daniel Kirk-Foster, piano. Chapel.

8 p.m. Chapel music jazz vespers. Horace Silver Ensemble. Chapel.


9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Mathematics lectures. "An Introduction to Quasiconvexity, Parts III, IV, V and VI." John Ball, Oxford University and Institute for Advanced Study. Parts III and IV, 1001 Fine; Parts V and VI, 322 Fine.

Noon. Development studies seminar. "The Trust Game: Predicting Repay-ment for Microborrowers." Dean Karlan. 300 Wallace.

G 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. Information technology/McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning workshop. "Using Digital Images in the Class-room." Multipurpose Room C, Frist.

12:30 p.m. African-American studies lecture. "Embodying the Universal, Occupying the Representative: A Theorization of African-American Literature and Law." Imani Perry, Rutgers University. 210 Dickinson.

2 p.m. Mathematics statistical mechanics seminar. "The Scott Correction to the Energy of Atoms via a New Coherent State Representation." Bernhard Bodman. 343 Jadwin.

4 p.m. Chemical engineering seminar. "Random Polydisperse Soap Foams: Structure and Properties." Andy Kraynik, Sandia National Lab. A224 Engineering Quadrangle. Social gathering at 3:30 p.m.

4:15 p.m. Industrial relations seminar on labor economics. "Are Emily and Brendan More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination." Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago. 200 Fisher.

4:30 p.m. Center for Study of Religion/Woodrow Wilson School lecture. "Appeal to Jihad as Rationale for Terror: The Cultural Context and Development of an Idea." James Johnson, Rutgers University. 016 Robertson.

4:30 p.m. Ecology and evolutionary biology colloquium. "Biology of Populations: What Does It Cost to Own and Operate an Immune System -- An Avian Perspective." Kirk Klasing, University of California-Davis. 10 Guyot.

4:30 p.m. Humanities/linguistics lecture. "Language Questions." Geoffrey Nunberg, Stanford University. Wood Auditorium, McCosh 10.

4:30 p.m. Madison program in American ideals and institutions lecture. "Good Government and the Competition Principle." Christopher DeMuth, American Enterprise Institute. 008 Friend.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics colloquium. "Partial Differential Equations Methods for Weak KAM Theory." Craig Evans, University of California-Berkeley. 314 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Science and global security forum on global issues. "North Korea Is No Iraq: Approaches in Nuclear Diplomacy." Leon Sigal, Social Science Research Council, New York. 1 Robertson.

G 4:30 to 6 p.m. McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning workshop. "Award Winning AIs Discuss Teaching." 328 Frist.

6 p.m. Architecture school lecture. "Suburban Design Versus Superurban Design." Sébastien Marot, Le Visiteur, Paris. Betts Auditorium, School of Architecture.


Noon. SHARE/LGBT student services/ombuds/religious life/ Jewish life town hall meeting and lunch. "Harassment at Princeton?" Multipurpose Room, Frist.

7 p.m. University Store book reading and signing. Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Paul Waldman, authors of "The Press Effect: Politicians, Journalists and the Stories That Shape the Political World." University Store.

Thursday, Nov. 14


Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Weekly   Exhibits   Et cetera   top


F 8 p.m. University Players musical. "West Side Story." Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.

8 p.m. Friends of Music student recital. Allison Dwyer '03, mezzo-soprano, and Felice Kuan '04, piano. Music by Purcell, Mozart, Poulenc and Britten. Taplin Auditorium, Fine.

F 8 p.m. Theater and dance play. Sarah Ruhl: "Melancholy Play." Matthews Acting Studio, 185 Nassau St.

F 8 p.m. Theatre Intime play. Harold Pinter: "The Hothouse." Theater, Murray-Dodge.

10 p.m. Frist entertainment. Fisher Free Jazz. Café Vivian, Frist.


9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applied and computa-tional mathematics conference, first of two days. "Quasiconvexity and Its Applications." Senate Chamber, Whig. For information, visit <>.

11 a.m. Chemistry seminar. "Laser Probes of the Potential Energy Landscapes and Conformational Insomerization Dynamics of Flexible Biomolecules: Bridging the Complexity Gap." Timothy Zwier, Purdue University. DuPont Seminar Room, 324 Frick.

2:15 p.m. Mathematics discrete mathematics seminar. Mike Saks, Rutgers University. 224 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Humanities/linguistics lecture. "The Question of Common Language." Geoffrey Nunberg, Stanford University. Wood Auditorium, McCosh 10.

4:30 p.m. Latin American studies lecture. "Desarrollo de las Microfinanzas y Lucha Contra la Pobreza: Caso de Bolivia." Reynaldo Marconi, Gerente, Asociación de Instituciones Financieras Para el Desarrolo Rural, La Paz, Bolivia. 107, 58 Prospect.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics topology seminar. "The Hyperbolic Solid Tube Parameter Space." Robert Meyerhoff, Boston College. 314 Fine.

G 4:30 to 6 p.m. McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning workshop. "Grantsmanship in the Sciences and Engineering: Tips From the Pros." Mary Baum, Michelle Christy, Jeffrey Carbeck and Edward Cox. 307 Frist.

4:30 p.m. Physics colloquium. "Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained." Leonard Susskind, Stanford University. A10 Jadwin.

4:30 p.m. Tang Center for Chinese and Japanese Art/East Asian studies lecture. "Passages of Felt Life: Paintings for Women in Ming-Qing China?" James Cahill, University of California-Berkeley. 106 McCormick.

4:30 p.m. Visual arts illustrated lecture. Jim Dow, photographer, talking about his work. 219, 185 Nassau St.

4:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. "The Foreign Policy of Developing Countries: Security and Development Dilemmas." Andrés Franco, deputy permanent representative of Colombia to the United Nations. 016 Robertson.

7:30 p.m. Students for Progressive Education and Action lecture. "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal." Eric Schlosser, author. Helm Auditorium, McCosh 50.

8 p.m. Jewish studies illustrated lecture. "Israeli Dance as Theater Art." Ze'eva Cohen. Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.


7 p.m. University Store book reading and signing. Peter Dougherty, author of "Who's Afraid of Adam Smith?: How the Market Got Its Soul." University Store.

Friday, Nov. 15


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12:30 p.m. Art Museum gallery talk. "Riches After Life: Chinese Funerary Art." Nancy Greenspan, docent. Art Museum.

6 p.m. Art and archaeology/media and modernity/architecture film and discussion. Andy Warhol: "Since." Introduction by Callie Angell, curator of Andy Warhol Film Project; P. Adams Sitney, moderator. Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.

F 8 p.m. University Players musical. "West Side Story." Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.

F 8 p.m. Theater and dance play. Sarah Ruhl: "Melancholy Play." Matthews Acting Studio, 185 Nassau St.

F 8 p.m. Theatre Intime play. Harold Pinter: "The Hothouse." Theater, Murray-Dodge.

F 8 p.m. Triangle Club show. "This Side of Parody." McCarter Theatre.


9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Applied and computa-tional mathematics conference, last of two days. "Quasiconvexity and Its Applications." Senate Chamber, Whig. For information, visit <>.

2:30 p.m. East Asian studies lecture. "Traditional Japanese Indigo Dyeing (Aizome)." Ken'ichi Utsuki, Aizenkobo, Kyoto, Japan. 202 Jones.

2:30 p.m. Hellenic studies lecture. "Language and Society on the Black Sea: The Muslim Greek-Speakers of Turkey." Pietro Bortone. 107, 58 Prospect.

2:30 to 5 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. "U.S. Policy Toward Colombia and Its Neighbors: Whither Peace and Human Rights?" Robin Kirk, Human Rights Watch; Philip Chicola, U.S. State Department; Arturo Carrillo, Columbia University; Luis Murillo, Latin America Working Group. 300 Wallace.

3:30 p.m. Mechanical and aerospace engineering seminar in applied physics, fluid mechanics, combustion, and dynamics and control. "Palm Power: Using Combustion at Small Scales to Replace Batteries." Alessandro Gomez, Yale University. 101 Friend. Social gathering at 4:30 p.m., J223 Engineering Quadrangle.


7 p.m. Women's volleyball vs. Yale University. Dillon Gym.

Saturday, Nov. 16


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10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Art and archaeology/media and modernity/architecture conference. "Art, Architecture and Film in the First Pop Age." Betts Auditorium, School of Architecture. For information, visit

11 a.m. Art Museum talk for children. "Let's Walk Into a Picture." Diane Gozonsky, docent. Art Museum.

F 2 and 8 p.m. Theatre Intime play. Harold Pinter: "The Hothouse." Theater, Murray-Dodge.

F 8 p.m. University Players musical. "West Side Story." Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.

8 p.m. Friends of Music concert. Felice Kuan '04, piano. Music by Beethoven, Shostakovich and Schumann. Taplin Auditorium, Fine.

8 p.m. Theater and dance performance and discussion. Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company. Hagan Dance Studio, 185 Nassau St.

F 8 p.m. Theater and dance play. Sarah Ruhl: "Melancholy Play." Matthews Acting Studio, 185 Nassau St.

F 8 p.m. Triangle Club show. "This Side of Parody." McCarter Theatre.

10 p.m. Frist open mic night. Café Vivian, Frist.


Noon. Development studies seminar. "Why Are a Third of People Indian and Chinese? Trade, Industrialization and Demographic Transition." Oded Galor. 300 Wallace.


4 p.m. Women's volleyball vs. Brown University. Dillon Gym.

Sunday, Nov. 17


Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Weekly   Exhibits   Et cetera   top


F 2 p.m. Triangle Club show. "This Side of Parody." McCarter Theatre.

3 p.m. Art Museum gallery talk. "Riches After Life: Chinese Funerary Art." Nancy Greenspan, docent. Art Museum.

F 8 p.m. Theater and dance play. Sarah Ruhl: "Melancholy Play." Matthews Acting Studio, 185 Nassau St.


4 p.m. International Center/Middle East Society lecture. "The U.S. State Department and U.S. Policy in the Middle East." David Ransom, former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain; and Marjorie Ransom, U.S. Information Agency in Syria and Egypt. 302 Frist.


11 a.m. University Chapel service. Thomas Breidenthal. Chapel.


11 a.m. Men's cross country/Princeton Invitational. Princeton Battlefield.



Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Weekly   Exhibits   Et cetera   top

Alcoholics Anonymous

12:15 p.m. Mondays, West Room, Murray-Dodge; and 9:30 a.m. Sundays, G2 Dickinson. Membership not required to attend.

Chapel Music for Meditation

10 to 11 p.m. Thursdays, Sept. 12 to Dec. 5 and Jan. 9 to May 22. Chapel.



Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Weekly   Exhibits   Et cetera   top

Art Museum

Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays and major holidays. Public tours, Saturdays, 2 p.m.

• "Beyond the Visible: A Conservator's Perspective." Through Jan. 5.

• "Cézanne in Focus: Watercolors From the Henry and Rose Pearlman Collection." Through Jan. 12.

• "Earth's Beauty Revealed: The 19th-Century European Landscape." Through Jan. 12.

• "Photographs by Lewis Baltz." Through Jan. 19.

Firestone Library

Exhibition Gallery and Milberg Gallery for the Graphic Arts (second floor): Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.

Exhibition Gallery:

• "Hand Bookbinding: Plain and Simple to Grand and Glorious."

Milberg Gallery:

• "Unseen Hands: Four Centuries of Women Printers, Binders and Book Designers." Through March 30.

Lobby: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.

• "A Curator's Dozen." Through Dec. 31.

• "The Senior Thesis in Print." Through Dec. 31.

Frist Campus Center

100 Level. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 a.m.; and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.

• Photographs by Emery Guzelsu.

Mudd Manuscript Library

Wiess Lounge, Olden Street. Monday-Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday until 8 p.m.

• "Paix et Liberté: Posters that Go BANG!" Through Feb. 1.

Women and Gender Studies

Lounge, 113 Dickinson Hall. Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed weekends.

• "Energy." Paintings by Joan Hierholzer. Through Jan. 6

Woodrow Wilson School

Bernstein Gallery. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• "After Sept. 11." Through Dec. 1.

Et cetera


Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Weekly   Exhibits   Et cetera   top

Art Museum

Hours: 258-3788;

Athletic Ticket Office

Tickets and information: 258-3538.

Dillon Gymnasium

Hours: 258-4466.

Employee Assistance Program

G07 McCosh Health Center. Information and appointments: 258-1875, Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Employee Health

G6B McCosh Health Center. Appointments: 258-5035, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. After-hours emergencies: 258-3134.

Employment Opportunities

Employment Hotline: 258-6130;

Frist Campus Center

Welcome Desk: 258-1766.


Hours: 258-3181;

McCarter Theatre Box Office

Reservations: 258-2787, Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Orange Key Guide Service

Frist Campus Center Welcome Desk.

Tours Monday-Saturday at 10 and 11 a.m., 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; Sunday at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Information and tours: 258-1766.

Prospect Association

Reservations: 258-3686.

Richardson Auditorium

Reservations: 258-5000, Monday-Friday, noon to 6 p.m.; and two hours before events requiring tickets.

Theater and Dance

Reservations: 258-3676;

Theatre Intime

Reservations: 258-4950;

Tiger Sportsline

Current sports highlights and upcoming athletic events: 258-3545.

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