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Reunions, Commencement

Deadlines. This issue of the Princeton Weekly Bulletin covers two weeks, May 22 through June 4, including Reunions and Commencement. The copy deadline for the next issue, which covers the two-week period June 5 through June 18, is May 26.

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Subscriptions. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for spring semester of the academic year 1999-2000 are $12 (half price for current Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. Members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
   Caroline Moseley
Calendar and
production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Contributing writers:
   Justin Harmon,
   Ken Howard,
   Steven Schultz
   Denise Applewhite
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett



Art from gender viewpoint

Courses taught by first Doris Stevens Professor include Imaging the Body
     Seeing art from a gender viewpoint has always been an important theme for me," says Carol Armstrong, "though not the only theme."
     Armstrong is professor of art and archaeology and the first Doris Stevens Professor of the Study of Women and Gender. Her work has been in two areas: 19th-century French painting and art criticism, and the history and criticism of 19th and 20th-century photography.
     Last fall she taught Imaging the Body, which "focused on the ways in which the body, especially the female body, is represented in film, photography, painting, literature, and also in psychoanalytic theory and feminist theory," she says. In a series of units, "We addressed the sexual body, the body as a whole figure, the fragmented body and the face." [>>more]

Hydrogen: was lost, is found



For the past decade astronomers have looked for vast quantities of hydrogen that was cooked up in the Big Bang but somehow managed to disappear into space.
     Astronomers believe that at least 90 percent of the matter in the universe is hidden in a "dark" form that has not yet been seen directly. But until now they have not even been able to see most of the universe's ordinary, or baryonic, matter (normal protons, electrons and neutrons). [>>more]

Proposal may improve hazardous waste cleanup

Before World War II, towns and cities all through the country had plants that made gas from coal, fueling the industrial economy and ensuring decades of environmental hazards.
     The byproduct of these coal gas plants was coal tar, a complex mixture of chemicals that seeps through the ground and pools onto the bedrock, where it may or may not foul the water supply for many years. [waste.shtml]


Students are advised to "Flee youthful lusts"

The library has purchased a pamphlet entitled "Questions and Counsel for the Students of Nassau-Hall (At Princeton in New-Jersey) Who Hope that a Work of Saving Grace Has Been Wrought Upon Their Hearts."
     Published in 1815, this 11-page document, does not appear in any standard bibliography of American imprints or any online catalog. [flee.shtml]


Professors instruct Teachers as Scholars

Renewed energy," "affirmation" and "intellectual stimulation" were among the benefits 80 elementary and secondary school teachers said they received this year from a new program in which they had a chance to reverse roles and become students for a few hours.
     The program, called Teachers as Scholars (TAS), is part of the University's Teacher Preparation Program. This past year it offered seven seminars of three or four sessions each, taught by Princeton professors. Topics ranged from... [>>more]

Shapiro honored for leadership on ethical issues

Citing President Shapiro's "stellar leadership toward resolution of the most com-plex ethical issues, created by frontier life sciences research," the Council of Scientific Society Presidents presented him with its 2000 Leadership Citation on May 7. [>>more]


Transfer to emeritus status:
Cakmak, Irby, Keaney, Miner,
Obeyesekere, Peebles [>>more]

Physics major wins
Churchill Scholarship
Daniel Wesley '00 has been awarded a Churchill Scholarship for graduate work at Cambridge University, where he plans to work toward a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics next year. The award covers all tuition and fees and provides a living allowance. [>>more]


Gateways to alumni learning: Princeton in person, in print, on tape and on-line

Princeton works hard to establish and maintain close ties with alumni, to keep them informed about the University and, as an increasingly important goal, to provide them with access to a variety of educational resources.
     The University has a distinctive tradition of considering alumni to be "learners" as well as "graduates," a tradition that has been substantially enhanced in recent years through lectures by Princeton faculty at alumni events on campus or in regional associations, home-study programs, alumni colleges here and abroad, audio and video cassettes of faculty lectures, and, increasingly, "on-line" courses, webcasts and other offerings that make use of information technology. [>>more]

Gone but not forgotten

University arborists recently took down an American Elm behind Nassau Hall that was approximately 85 years old. According to Grounds Manager James Consolloy, "The tree was hollow and presented a hazard." While the top could have blown down on bystanders, the bottom had been filled with concrete some years back, and it took masons with jackhammers to level it. "We dulled three chainsaws on that tree," Consolloy commented. (Photo by Mahlon Lovett)


Baseball. The Tigers swept Dart-mouth 5-2 and 4-3 to win the Ivy League championship on May 6. (24-18 overall, 13-7 Ivy)
Crew. The women's lightweight crew successfully defended its 1999 EAWRC Sprints title on May 13, and Princeton finished second in the Chick Willing Points Trophy awarded to the best all-around open program.
Lacrosse. The women beat Duke 9-8 on May 14 to send the second-seeded Tigers to the NCAA Final Four. The men's team defeated Hobart 12-6 on May 6; midfielder Joshua Sims '00 was named Ivy League Player of the Year, as well as first team All Ivy along with B.J. Prager '02 and Ryan Mollett '01. (Men: 10-2, 6-0 Ivy; Women: 14-3, 6-1 Ivy)
Track and field. The men's and women's teams took part in the Heptagonal Championships May 13 and 14 , and the men garnered their third straight triple crown by winning Heps in cross country, indoor and outdoor track.
     This represents the 14th Ivy League championship won by a Princeton team in the 1999-00 academic year, a new league record.


