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Deadlines. All news, photos and calendar entries for the Bulletin that covers the two-week period May 8 through 21 must be received in the Communications office no later than Friday, April 28.

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Subscriptions. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for spring semester of the academic year 1999-2000 are $12 (half price for current Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communications, Stanhope Hall. Members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
   Caroline Moseley
Calendar and
production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Contributing writers:
   Justin Harmon,
   Ken Howard,
   Steven Schultz
   Denise Applewhite
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Human Values Center celebrates 10 years


The title of its anniversary volume may give readers a sense of the scope of activity undertaken by the University Center for Human Values in its first 10 years.
    What Should We Value? compiles excerpts from lectures, papers and books by scholars and students associated with the center. The excerpts are grouped around such questions as "How should democracy recognize diversity?" "How should we value freedom?" "What is the relationship between law and morality?" and "How should we value life?" The contributors include Princeton faculty, visiting fellows and lecturers, and one undergraduate, Jilan Kamal '01, whose excerpted essay addresses the question "Can the self ever be free from all social influence?" [>>more]

Trustess accept Wythes Report recommendations

The trustees formally approved the report of a special trustee committee recommending that Princeton increase the size of its undergraduate student body by approximately 10 percent (from 4,600 to 5,100) to "enhance the quality of the overall educational experience at Princeton and make more effective use of the University's extraordinary resources." The approval was made at the quarterly board meeting on April 15. [>>more]


Board names eight to tenured faculty

At their April 15 meeting, the trustees approved the appointment of one full professor, Athanassios Panagiotopoulos, and the promotion of one assistant professor, Elizabeth Gould, to professor. They also promoted six to associate professor: Bonnie Bassler, Luigi Martinelli, Kenneth Mills, Catherine Peters, Eileen Reeves and Rob Wegman. All appointments are effective July 1. [>>more]


A concrete what?

While some like to engage in extreme sportssky diving, ice climbing and the likeother Princeton students do what you might call "extreme engineering."
     One group has designed, built and raced a canoe made of concrete. Another built a lightweight steel bridge and raced against the clock to erect it across a simulated 14-foot river without leaving the shore.
     The feats were part of two annual contests sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers. The teams, which were the University's first representatives to the contests in many years, participated April 8 in a regional competition near Doylestown, Pa. [>>more]


Despite inclement weather, University and community members turned out to watch dance demonstrations and other performances; to sample a variety of cuisines; to play games, ride ponies and have their faces painted; and to participate in the International Festival that was part of this year's Communiversity celebration of town and gown on April 15. (Photo by Ron Carter)


Auditing Princeton courses: "It's a privilege"

Walk into almost any Princeton lecture hall and you'll see them: quiet, attentive, often gray-haired, seated in the back rows. They're passionate about learning, and they're getting a Princeton education for a pittance. They're auditors. [>>more]

Spring cleaning

Among the 75 students, staff and faculty who participated in Campus Volunteer Day on April 8 were Jenny Guberman of Romance Languages and Literatures (l), graduate students Jonathan Schmidt and Juha Savolainen, Assistant Dean of Religious Life Deborah Blanks, Phillipa McKeown and graduate student Jonathan McKeown, who worked on grounds cleanup at Princeton Community Village. Community Village was one of several venues for volunteer activity in the program, which is cosponsored by the Office of Community and State Affairs and Community House. (Photos by Pat Hatton)




Golf. The men won the Ivy League Championship and the women came in second on April 15 and 16, with Nat Hoopes '03 taking the individual Ivy championship.

Volleyball (men's). The Tigers won the Ivy League Tournament on April 16. (8-12, 4-10 EIVA)

Water polo (women's). Princeton finished first at the Mid-Atlantic Championship on April 15 and16. (20-3, 8-0 CWPA)

