A Princeton Profile 1997-98

Costs and Financial Aid


Here is what it costs for an undergraduate to study at Princeton in 1997-98:

Comprehensive fee 
  (tuition and other fees) ... $22,920
Room ........................... 2,987
Board .......................... 3,528
Miscellaneous expenses 
  (books, supplies, etc.) ...... 2,435
Total ........................ $31,870

Students applying for financial aid help pay for their education by working in the summer and during the school year (contributing an average of $4,500 in 1997-98) and by taking out loans (typically $4,000) offered at favorable terms. Princeton then provides scholarships to fill any gap between a student's expenses and the amount a student and his or her parents are able to contribute.

The size of the parental contribution is determined with the help of a formula developed by the College Scholarship Service and used by many colleges across the country.

Princeton's Financial Aid Budget, 1997-98
Number of undergraduates receiving financial aid ... 43% ....... 1,950
Median family income of students receiving aid ............... $70,000
Total scholarship budget ... ............................. $28,200,000
... Provided by the University ..................... 85%
... ... Endowed scholarships .............................. 21,000,000
... ... General funds ...................................... 2,600,000
... ... Yearly gifts to scholarship program .................. 300,000
... Provided by government .......................... 8% ... 2,300,000
... Provided by outside organizations ............... 7% ... 2,000,000
Amount borrowed by financial aid students ................. $7,000,000
Earnings of financial aid students ........................ $2,000,000

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