A Princeton Profile 1997-98

Admission 1997: Class of 2001

                       Applicants             Admitted           Enrolled
                    -------------     ----------------     --------------
............................ % of ............... % of ............. % of .... % of
................... No. ... Total ...... No. .. Applts ...... No...Admits ... Class
Total ............. 13,400 ... -- ... 1,723 ....... 13 ... 1,132 ..... 66 ...... --
Men ................ 7,249 ... 54 ..... 909 ....... 13 ..... 619 ..... 68 ...... 55
Women .............. 6,151 ... 46 ..... 814 ....... 13 ..... 513 ..... 63 ...... 45
Alumni children ...... 423 .... 3 ..... 172 ....... 41 ..... 148 ..... 86 ...... 13
Minority students .. 3,649 ... 27 ..... 572 ....... 16 ..... 290 ..... 51 ...... 26
  students ......... 1,861 ... 14 ...... 82 ........ 4 ...... 46 ..... 56 ....... 4

SATs/Achievement Tests

Middle 50 percent of Verbal SAT, Mathematics SAT, and three highest Achievement Tests. For example, 25 percent of the applicants had Verbal scores below 62; 50 percent had Verbal scores between 62 and 74; 25 percent had Verbal scores above 74.

............... Applicants ... Admits ... Enrollees
Verbal (highest) ... 62-74 .... 67-77 ....... 67-76
Math (highest) ..... 65-75 .... 68-78 ....... 68-77
Achievements ....... 62-72 .... 67-75 ....... 66-75

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