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A Princeton Profile, 1996-97
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The Undergraduate College

Program of Study

Princeton offers two bachelor's degrees: the bachelor of arts (A.B.) and the bachelor of science in engineering (B.S.E.). Within these degree programs, students can choose from among 62 departments and interdepartmental programs. They may also apply for an independent concentration outside existing programs.

Current distribution requirements for A.B. students are two courses in each of four areas: natural sciences; social sciences; arts and letters; and history, philosophy, and religion. All A.B. candidates also meet a one-term writing requirement and demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language. Beginning with the Class of 2000, A.B. candidates will be required to complete one course each in epistemology and cognition, ethical thought and moral values, historical analysis, and quantitative reasoning; and two courses each in literature and the arts, science and technology (with laboratory), and social analysis. The writing and foreign language requirements remain unchanged.

Departmental requirements combine upper-level courses with independent work in both the junior and senior years. A senior thesis is required of all A.B. candidates.

Engineering students take at least seven courses in the humanities and social sciences in addition to satisfying the writing requirement and meeting the requirements in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer programming as specified by the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Beginning

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