February 16, 1998 | Volume 87, Number 17 | Previous | Next | Index
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Of experimental mice and men
By JoAnn Gutin

Shortly after neuroscientist Joe Tsien came to Princeton last August to take up his new job as assistant professor of molecular biology, he got a DHL delivery from Boston. The package was an ordinary cardboard animal shipping crate -- air holes, containers of jelly-like liquid food -- but if the shippers had taken the value of the contents into consideration, they would have used a blue Tiffany box. ...

11-year alum endows computer science chair

Phillip Goldman '86, cofounder of WebTV Networks Inc., and his wife Susan have made a $2 million gift to establish an endowed chair in the Department of Computer Science.
     Goldman, a pioneer in Internet television, is the youngest Princeton alumnus to create an endowed professorship, doing so only 11 years after his graduation. The gift of $2 million will be supplemented by a matching grant of $500,000 from a fund established by Gordon Wu '58. [
press release]

jazz it up

Program provides wide range of academic and performance opportunities

By Caroline Moseley

Jazz -- America's best-known indigenous art form -- is a vital presence on the Princeton campus.
    That jazz flourishes here in all its stylistic manifestations is largely attributable to Anthony D.J. Branker, who has been visiting associate professor of music and director of the University Jazz Ensembles since 1989.

United Way campaign raises over $118,400

This year's United Way campaign chair Joseph Williamson, dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel, presented a check for $118,424 to Randy Ingbritsen (second from l), senior division manager of the United Way of Greater Mercer County, at a February 5 reception. "The amount raised surpassed last year's total and represents one of the highest in United Way campaign history," Williamson noted. The total included $85,722 from faculty and staff on the main campus and $18,709 from Plasma Physics Lab employees, plus a University contribution of 10 percent for regular donations and 15 percent for payroll deduction.
    John Fleming (l), Fairchild Professor of English, was faculty chair of the campaign; Mary Ann Brown (r) was PPL campaign coordinator; and Susie Van Doren was campus campaign coordinator.

"We focus on the individual"
By Pam Hersh

You can't go to school to learn the business of financial aid," says Robin Moscato, associate director in the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid. "You just have to do it -- and do it with both your head and your heart."
     Moscato learned how to do her job at school, but not in school. While a student at Rutgers University, she worked in the Rutgers Financial Aid Office as a way of financing her own education. After graduating in 1979, she worked in the financial aid operations of both Rutgers and Middlesex County College. Four years later she joined the Princeton financial aid team; she was promoted to associate director nine years ago. ...

Weekly Bulletin

Editor: Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
Caroline Moseley
Calendar and production editor:
Carolyn Geller
    Denise Applewhite,
    Robert P. Matthews
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett

Subscriptions.  The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Office of Communications. Anyone may subscribe. Subscriptions for the academic year 1997-98 are $24 ($12 for Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall (609-258-3601). All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.