Images from Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Princeton University, Oct. 23, 2008

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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was greeted by, from left, Kim Scheppele, director of the University's Program in Law and Public Affairs, and Provost Christopher Eisgruber when she arrived on campus.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson

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Before her lecture and conversation with Eisgruber, Ginsburg met with students in the Program in Law and Public Affairs in Chancellor Green.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson

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Ginsburg provided an inside look at the Supreme Court during an address in Richardson Auditorium on Oct. 23. The event began with an address titled "On the Lighter Side of the U.S. Supreme Court: Customs and Habits That Promote Collegiality Among the Justices," in which she described everything from casual conversations to birthday parties.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson

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The address was followed by a conversation between Ginsburg and Eisgruber. She talked about such decisions as Bush v. Gore and Roe v. Wade.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson

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At one point, Ginsburg read her "favorite provision" from a small booklet with the text of the Constitution: "… (N)or shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson

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Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall was filled with students, faculty, staff and members of the community to hear Ginsburg speak.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson