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Princeton in the News

May 22, 1998 | Feedback


The Advocate
Copyright 1998 Capital City Press (Baton Rouge, La.)
May 22, 1998 Friday

HEADLINE: Forum debates racism solution, religion's role


NEW ORLEANS - The leader of an interdenominational church in New York said he is "grateful" for President Clinton's national conversation on race, but he said a daylong forum such as the one held here Thursday won't solve the problem of racism in America.

The Rev. James Forbes Jr., senior minister at the 2,400-member interracial Riverside Church in New York City, labeled racism a "virus" that infects the nation. ...

Diane Winston of Princeton University's Center for the Study of American Religion in New Jersey said the "increased religious diversity of the nation" means people will have to learn how to "disagree respectfully. "

"Diversity is a fact. Difference is human, not better or worse," she said. ...


The Boston Globe
Copyright 1998 Globe Newspaper Company
May 22, 1998, Friday

HEADLINE: Harvard names 2 African-American professors to top posts
BYLINE: By Richard Chacon, Globe Staff

Two members of Harvard's renowned African-American studies department have been appointed to the university's highest faculty posts, marking the first time a black scholar has been promoted to university professor since the title was created more than 60 years ago, school officials said yesterday.


Cornel West and William Julius Wilson were both recently named university professors, a title currently bestowed on just 14 of Harvard's 2,200 faculty members. ...

Harvard sources also said yesterday that a third university professorship appointment for Robert C. Merton, winner of last year's Nobel Prize in Economics, will be announced next week. ...

West, a sociologist who holds joint appointments at the School of Divinity and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, joined Harvard in 1994 from Princeton University. He most recently co-authored a book, "The War Against Parents: What We Can Do for America's Beleaguered Moms and Dads," with Sylvia Ann Hewlett. ...


The Ottawa Citizen
Copyright 1998 Southam Inc.
May 22, 1998, Friday

HEADLINE: Ocean may lose ability to absorb greenhouse gas, study finds: Scientists fear global warming reduces oceans' protective role


Global warming could hinder the oceans' ability to absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which could make it harder to control, scientists said.

Heating up the atmosphere could reduce the natural ability of the oceans to suck up some of the gas like a sponge and carry it to the depths, Jorge Sarmiento and colleagues at Princeton University reported in a study appearing in today's issue of the journal Nature.

On the other hand, the study suggested global warming could change marine life in a way that might increase the absorption.

In another study appearing in the same journal, scientists suggested that trees and vegetation might be able to absorb more of the excess gas than researchers previously thought.

But that study, from Mingkui Cao of the University of Virginia and F. Ian Woodward of the University of Sheffield in England, was based on models that excluded forest fires, clear-cutting or other factors that could alter the picture.

The two studies are important because scientists need to understand how the land and the oceans respond to global warming so they can better advise policymakers around the globe who are working to control the problem. ...


Sacramento Bee
Copyright 1998 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc.
May 22, 1998

BYLINE: Bee News Services


Bill Tierney has taken the Princeton men's lacrosse program from upstart to dynasty in a few years.

Now the team of the '90s is back in the national semifinals, seeking its third consecutive NCAA championship and fifth in seven years.

In Saturday's second semifinal, the Tigers (12-1) face Syracuse (11-2), the only other team to win the championship during that period.

Tierney rekindled a program that enjoyed success in the 1950s and '60s but had been dormant for two decades. ...


The Salt Lake Tribune
Copyright 1998 The Salt Lake Tribune
May 22, 1998, Friday

HEADLINE: Former Senator, Hoops Star Praises Utah, Jazz Values; In speech here, Bill Bradley even wins a few friends for Democrats

Sure, Utah has great snow, a Mars-like desert landscape and the Mormon promised land. But it's the Jazz's teamwork, says former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, that may make the biggest impression on the world.

"The Utah Jazz play in a way that says we respect each other and we're a team. Which, in a way, is what Utah says," the former New York Knicks forward and Olympic gold medalist told a business crowd of 200 Thursday.

So, said Bradley, "It's much better to have a team on the national stage that metaphorically is similar to the state it represents in terms of the values than it is to have a team that's all soloists -- and doesn't win."

During his 10-year basketball career, the 6-foot-5 Bradley played the equivalent of Jeff Hornacek's position, helping win two NBA championships for the Knicks. Before that, he was a three-time basketball All-American at Princeton University and a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University. ...


The Times-Picayune
Copyright 1998 The Times-Picayune Publishing Co.
May 22, 1998 Friday



Co-workers read the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, on break. Female department store clerks, wearing the traditional Arab head covering, the hijab, wait on customers. Wiccans celebrate the summer solstice in a public park, and Zen masters lead stressed-out lawyers in weekend retreats.

Such religious diversity is becoming increasingly common in the United States, where America's historic Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities are learning to make room for "new" ethnic spiritual traditions, from animists to Zoroastrians.

In a country where the number of Buddhists is about to draw even with 2.5 million Episcopalians, the question before a White House-sponsored gathering of about 200 clergy and academics Thursday at Tulane University was whether America's many religious communities can help heal its racial divide. ...

Indeed, the cliche about segregated Sunday morning worship is based on a dated stereotype, Diane Winston, a Princeton University specialist on America's religious diversity, said at the Tulane meeting.

That observation might be true for Christians, she said, but among Muslims, who are about to outnumber Jews in the United States, weekly worship at a masjid is often an amalgam of believers from many Islamic countries united only by their faith. ...


The Associated Press
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: Global warming could alter ocean's ability to absorb carbon dioxide
BYLINE: By JANE E. ALLEN, AP Science Writer


Global warming could hinder the ocean's ability to absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which could make global warming harder to control, scientists said.
Heating up the atmosphere could reduce the natural ability of the ocean to suck up some of the gas like a sponge and carry it to the depths, Jorge Sarmiento and colleagues at Princeton University reported in a study appearing in today's issue of the journal Nature.

On the other hand, the study suggested global warming could change marine life in a way that might increase the absorption.

In another study appearing in the same journal, scientists suggested that trees and vegetation might be able to absorb more of the excess gas than researchers previously thought.

But that study from Mingkui Cao of the University of Virginia and F. Ian Woodward of the University of Sheffield in England was based on models that excluded forest fires, clear-cutting or other factors that could alter the picture. ...


The Boston Globe
Copyright 1998 Globe Newspaper Company
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: Race panel to mull homogeneity of faith
BYLINE: By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff


Immigration is changing the colors and contours of the face of faith in the United States, but congregations are about as homogeneous as they were in the 1960s, when Martin Luther King Jr. called 11 a.m. Sunday "the most segregated hour in America."

President Clinton's Initiative on Race, which for nearly a year has been conducting conversations on the state of US race relations, will meet tomorrow in New Orleans to challenge the nation's clergy to show bolder leadership in bridging racial and ethnic divides. ...

Today, the largest Buddhist temple in the world is in Los Angeles. Chicago has 70 Islamic mosques. Boston and Cambridge together have more than 250 churches where worship services are conducted in languages other than English.

"We need to open our eyes and see that faith is changing in front of us," says Diane Winston, a fellow at Princeton University's Center for the Study of American Religion. "We also need to open the circle of influence and access and let the new groups in."

Diane Winston, will present the race panel with these statistics on US religion: There are almost as many Muslims (5 million) as Jews (6 million); Buddhists (1 million to 3 million) as Episcopalians (2.5 million); and Sikhs as Unitarians (both at about 200,000). Asian immigrants account for most of the current growth in the 79 million-member Protestant churches. ...


The Commercial Appeal
Copyright 1998 Southeastern Newspapers Corporation (Memphis, TN)

BYLINE: The Commercial Appeal

Not long after Chandrea Smothers learned to walk and talk, her parents taught her to say she would grow up and become a doctor.

Now age 29 and Dr. Smothers, the French Fort neighborhood resident recently won a $50,000 fellowship to fund her research while she completes training in pediatric radiology. ...

The middle child of a Memphis City Schools principal and an insurance underwriter, Smothers said growing up she viewed doctors as larger than life. That image sometimes left her wondering if she was capable of becoming a doctor.

Now when she returns to Central High School, she tells students such doubts are natural. ''The message I try to give students now is: 'Believe it or not, it can be done,' '' she said.

''Now I try and reach those kids who are having the same doubts,'' she said.

At Princeton University, Smothers also questioned whether medicine was her dream or her parents' dream. Hospital volunteer work helped her settle the question. She graduated Princeton cum laude and enrolled at Duke University School of Medicine. Then she returned to Memphis for her radiology training. ...


The Courier-Journal
Copyright 1998 The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY.)
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: Owen, Henry, Baesler flail McConnell: GOP senator's tobacco stance fuels campaign

Republicans and tobacco remained the main focus yesterday of Democrats running for the U.S. Senate.

Businessman Charlie Owen ran hardest on the issue, resurrecting Mitch McConnell's famous bloodhound theme to thrash the Republican senator for retreating on the federal tobacco price-support program.

Lt. Gov. Steve Henry talked tobacco and other issues in the Jackson Purchase, and U.S. Rep. Scotty Baesler cut short a planned campaign swing to return to Washington, saying he had to deal with tobacco and other hot topics in Congress. ...

Owen said he helped his mother's family raise tobacco ''every summer'' when he was young, still manages her crop of 3 1/2 acres, and that the grading system for burley tobacco ''was begun by my uncle, Zed Layson, of Millersburg'' (in Bourbon County). He said his mother's income from tobacco put him through Princeton University and the University of Virginia law school. ...


The Deseret News
Copyright 1998 The Deseret News Publishing Co. (Salt Lake City, UT)
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: 'There Is No Alternative' is only motto for success, N.J. senator says
BYLINE: By Max B. Knudson Deseret News business editor

Bill Bradley has done it all over the past four decades: an All-American at Princeton University, a gold medalist in the Olympic Games, a two-time NBA champion during his years with the New York Knicks and three terms as a U.S. senator from New Jersey.

There's only one thing left for the Democrat who now teaches at Stanford University: a run for the presidential nomination in 2000. Is he in or out?

"I haven't ruled it out," he told a breakfast gathering at Little America Hotel Thursday. "I have to decide by the end of this year whether to take that step." ...


The Independent
Copyright 1998 Newspaper Publishing PLC (London)
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: Greenhouse effect worse than forecast
BYLINE: Charles Arthur Science and Technology Editor

GLOBAL warming will get worse and the world's oceans and land- based ecosystems will be less able to ease it by absorbing excess carbon dioxide than had been thought, say scientists.

The new findings show that earlier assumptions, used to build the Kyoto agreement between industrialised nations limiting carbon dioxide and other emissions, were too optimistic.

Instead, the sophisticated new computer models, devised to examine how well non-atmospheric sources could absorb the gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels, indicate that, in time, neither the oceans nor forests will be able to "fix" gases which contribute to the warming of the planet.

The findings, published today in two papers in the science journal Nature, show that earlier hopes - that the sea, in particular, might be able to act as a huge "sink" for atmospheric carbon dioxide - were exaggerated. ...

A team at Princeton University in New Jersey found that as the ocean began to absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (becoming more acidic in the process), it would also become more "stratified" - so that there would be less mixing between the top and lower layers.

The topmost layers, which are most exposed to higher atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, would reach a point where they could not absorb any more gases more quickly. That means the ocean would stop acting as a brake on atmospheric global warming. ...


PR Newswire
Copyright 1998 PR Newswire Association, Inc.
May 21, 1998, Thursday

HEADLINE: Patton Boggs and Capital Sports Ventures Announce Strategic Relationship for Sports Representation DATELINE: AUSTIN, Texas, May 21

Capital Sports Ventures, Inc., a sports management group led by former Olympian William J. Stapleton III, and Patton Boggs, L.L.P., a nationally renowned Washington, D.C. based law firm, announced today the formation of a strategic relationship to provide premier sports representation and sports property development.

Based in Austin, Texas, Capital Sports Ventures focuses on creating innovative marketing and financing opportunities around increasingly popular sports such as professional golf and world-class cycling, as well as other Olympic sports. Long recognized as a leading law firm, Patton Boggs specializes in providing clients with creative and cutting-edge legal, legislative and business solutions to complex problems.
"As more and more non-sports related companies recognize the value of associating with athletes or athletic competitions, there is an increased need for adequately identifying and valuing first-rate sponsorship opportunities," notes Herb Hecht, the Patton Boggs partner responsible for coordinating efforts with CSVI. Bill's intimate knowledge of the sports marketing universe, coupled with Patton Boggs' extensive business network and understanding of corporate positioning should enable us to create significant win/win situations for businesses and various sports ventures."

Herbert W. Hecht II, a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Patton Boggs, LLP, represents a variety of national sports figures and has worked on numerous major sports-related initiatives. Prior to joining Patton Boggs, LLP in 1990, Hecht served as a political appointee in the Administrations of Presidents Reagan and Bush. Hecht earned his law degree from the College of William and Mary (Marshall-Wythe School of Law) and his bachelor's degree from Princeton University where he played intercollegiate football and golf. He is a Bar member of both the District of Columbia and the State of Virginia. ...


The Times Union
Copyright 1998 The Hearst Corporation (Albany, NY)
May 21, 1998, Thursday

In April, a federal judge in Hartford, Conn., threw out the defamation lawsuit against Princeton University filed by disgruntled, would-be medical student Rommel Nobay, who claimed that Princeton's having bad-mouthed him for lying on his application discouraged other schools from accepting him. Nobay admitted to fudging his class standing, SAT score and other things that applicants sometimes exaggerate; however, attracting more attention were his personal statements, in which Nobay wrote that a family of lepers in Kenya had so much faith in him that they had donated ''half their beggings'' to help him with his education.

NOTES: News of the Weird News of the Weird


The Washington Times
Copyright 1998 News World Communications, Inc.
May 21, 1998, Thursday, Final Edition

HEADLINE: Study validates safer-sex programs for teens

Abstinence education and safer-sex training programs both reduce risky sexual behavior in teens at least temporarily, researchers found in a new federally funded study.

But training in condom use "curbed unprotected sexual intercourse" more effectively than abstinence education and may be more effective in the long run, especially among teens who are already sexually active.

The study's findings, published in yesterday's Journal of the American Medical Association, prompted the editors of JAMA to question "the logic behind the decision to earmark funds specifically for abstinence programs."

Public health policy "should be empirically driven, not ideologically driven," the editors wrote.

The findings also validate arguments made by Planned Parenthood officials, who have been urging state leaders to reject the new $50 million abstinence-education grant money. ...

The study released yesterday involved 659 low-income black middle-school students from Philadelphia who were recruited for a program on two Saturdays. The teens were interviewed again three, six and 12 months later, by a team led by John B. Jemmott III of Princeton University's psychology department.

A third of the teens were taught how and why to delay sex. Another third were taught about condom use. The final third were in a control group and taught about exercise and other healthy behaviors.

The researchers found that teens given abstinence training were less likely to report sexual intercourse than teens in the control group or teens in the safer-sex training in the first three months after the program.

But this restraint disappeared by the six- and 12-month interviews, and the group with the fewest sexually active teens was the safer-sex group. Also, the teens who were taught about condoms used them more consistently and had fewer incidences of unprotected sex than the other groups.

The study was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health.


Chicago Tribune
Copyright 1998 Chicago Tribune Company
May 21, 1998 Thursday

BYLINE: Associated Press.

Safe-sex lessons for children are more effective if condom use instead of abstinence is emphasized, researchers found in a study of inner-city blacks.

A separate finding underscores the compelling need for the grown-up subject matter: Although the youngsters' average age was just 11, fully 25 percent of them said they no longer were virgins.

"We have to begin earlier to give children the kind of information they need to protect themselves," said Princeton University psychologist John Jemmott III, the lead author.

The study of 6th and 7th graders -- 659 in three inner-city Philadelphia schools -- sought ways to stem the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases among black adolescents.

Among 13-to-19-year-olds with AIDS, blacks represented 57 percent and whites 23 percent in 1996, federal statistics show, while the gonorrhea rate among 15-to-19-year-olds was about 24 times higher among blacks than whites. ...


Asbury Park Press
Copyright 1998 Asbury Park Press, Inc. (Neptune, NJ.)
May 20, 1998, Wednesday


OTTO G. STOLL, 51, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., formerly of OCEAN GROVE, died May 13 at UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, from complications following a heart transplant. ...

He was a 1965 graduate of Neptune High School, a graduate of Brown University and attended Princeton University and its Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs. ...


The Bulletin's Frontrunner
Copyright 1998 Bulletin Broadfaxing Network, Inc.
May 20, 1998, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Study Recommends Counseling Condom Use.

BODY: Reuter (5/19) reported, "Counseling adolescents to practice safer sex with condoms was more effective at curbing the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases than advising sexual abstinence, researchers said on Tuesday. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association said Princeton University researchers divided 659 black students with an average age of 12 into three groups, and participants in the safer-sex program were several times more likely than students who did not get counseling at all to use condoms up to a year later. Those who were advised to use condoms did not increase their frequency of engaging in sex, the study of Philadelphia middle school students by Princeton University researchers found."


May 20, 1998

HEADLINE: New Study Focuses on HIV Prevention for Adolescents
BYLINE: Martin Savidge, Louise Schiavone

HIGHLIGHT: Doctors are terrified that minority adolescents are walking away from their childhood and into an AIDS mine field. Researchers are focusing on ways to forestall early sexual activity in adolescents and how to limit the damage of sexual activity, with a particular focus on HIV prevention.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: Another study is teaching inner-city adolescents life-saving lessons. The subject: sexually transmitted diseases and how to avoid them.

As Louise Schiavone reports, the winning combination seems to be abstinence and condoms.

LOUISE SCHIAVONE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They still play the games we associate with childhood innocence, but the pressure is on for them to lose it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE #1: I know a lot of people who say they not virgins, but they really are, but they don't want nobody else to know. ...

These researchers asked how to forestall early sexual activity, even for a few extra months, and failing that, how to limit the damage with a particular focus on HIV prevention. ...

SCHIAVONE: Researchers looked at a random group of about 600 Philadelphia youngsters, ages 10 to 13. Their findings are published in the latest issue of the "Journal of the American Medical Association." Of three test groups, one was taught the values of abstinence along with some instruction in safer sex.

A second group focused mainly on safer sex through condoms, but encourage to be abstinent. The control group learned about health in general.

JOHN JEMMOTT III, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Those who were virgins or sexually inexperienced when they came to the study were most likely to engage in sexual intercourse if they received the abstinence intervention.

The safer sex intervention worked better with those who were already sexually experienced.


SCHIAVONE: The course of instruction entitled, "Be Proud, Be Responsible," established abstinence as a fool-proof way to prevent pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases, including AIDS.

Failing that, youngsters were taught how to use condoms and how to persuade partners to use them. Such studies are not without critics. ...


The Detroit News
Copyright 1998 The Detroit News, Inc.
May 20, 1998, Wednesday

HEADLINE: Olympic star warns kids: Stay off drugs and enjoy life, hockey player Lisa Brown-Miller tells Canton children
BYLINE: By Craig Garrett / The Detroit News

CANTON TOWNSHIP -- Stay away from drugs and alcohol and you may some day eat toasted bagels with hockey legend Wayne Gretsky.

That's the message Lisa Brown-Miller gave fifth-graders Tuesday at Hulsing Elementary School. The women's Olympic hockey player said that skating around harmful substances as a teen-ager gave her the momentum to earn a spot on the U.S. women's hockey club.

During the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, in February, she was rubbing elbows in the Olympic Village with hockey's elite, while earning a title shot at a surprisingly hefty gold medal.

Brown-Miller, 31, played left wing for the U.S. women's hockey team that won the gold when it defeated the favored Canadian team, 3-1. ...

Her big break was in 1995. She was coaching the Princeton University women's hockey team when she was invited to try out for the first-ever U.S. women's Olympic hockey squad. She spent more than a year training five hours a day, six days each week. ...


Los Angeles Times
Copyright 1998 Times Mirror Company
May 20, 1998, Wednesday


An independent study offered a sober assessment of welfare reform in Los Angeles County on Tuesday, concluding that the region does not have enough jobs for everyone who needs to work.

The study by the Economic Roundtable, a nonprofit public policy research group, concluded that policymakers will have to revise some strategies if reform efforts are to succeed. ...

That imbalance has prompted some federal officials to propose "reverse commuting," in which vanpools and shuttle buses would carry workers coming off welfare from their downtown homes to jobs in more suburban areas such as Orange County.

"If a low-wage worker faces a long commute, that job might as well be on Mars," said Mark Allen Hughes, a former Princeton University professor who is involved with Bridges to Work, a demonstration project that transports impoverished workers to jobs in business parks near Chicago and several other cities.

"But a two-hour commute on public transit can be reduced to 30 or 45 minutes with a little engineering," Hughes said last year. ...


The Plain Dealer
Copyright 1998 Plain Dealer Publishing Co.
May 20, 1998 Wednesday


Testing of a new vaccine against AIDS is raising excruciating ethical questions about who lives, who dies and who benefits.

Members of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, meeting in Cleveland yesterday, heard testimony explaining why the risky research is proceeding in Thailand, Uganda and Brazil but not in the United States, Canada or Europe.

"Are we basically exporting our risky scientific research to the Third World, research from which we will benefit?" asked Thomas H. Murray, director of the Case Western Reserve University Center for Biomedical Ethics. "This is a more complicated moral issue than critics of the research have made it out to be. ...

Harold T. Shapiro, president of Princeton University and chairman of the bioethics advisory commission, said yesterday that he was uncertain about the morality of the AIDS vaccine research.

"We're learning from these cases," said Shapiro, whose commission is drafting a study of international research ethics. "I just don't think it will turn out to be a black and white issue." ...


PR Newswire
Copyright 1998 PR Newswire Association, Inc.
May 20, 1998, Wednesday

HEADLINE: FRC Clinton Should Not Set Foot in Tiananmen Square - Visit Bestows Legitimacy to Massacre, 34 National Leaders and Activists Say


In a letter to President Clinton Wednesday, an ideological cross section of conservative groups and human rights activists said that the President should change his plans to be officially recognized in Tiananmen Square during his scheduled June visit to China. By being formally received in the Square, he will "bestow legitimacy to the ground where innocent blood was needlessly shed," the letter said.

Family Research Council President Gary Bauer said Wednesday that "until China's regime expresses regret and releases those still imprisoned for their brave stand, Clinton's visit to Tiananmen Square is a slap in the face to the courageous Chinese students who stood for freedom." In a May 14 letter to Speaker Newt Gingrich and Majority Leader Trent Lott, Bauer urged Congress to pass a resolution calling on the President to refrain from going to Tiananmen Square during his visit to China.

The letter was signed by the following groups and individuals. ... Prof. Robert George from Princeton University ...


Asheville Citizen-Times
Copyright 1998 Multimedia Publishing of North Carolina, Inc. (Asheville, NC)
May 19, 1998, Tuesday


TO STUDY ABROAD: Princeton University sophomore Elizabeth Derryberry, daughter of the Rev. Eugene Derryberry and Virginia Derryberry of Asheville, has been accepted into a four-week summer program in wildlife management in Kenya, Africa. The program is administered by the Center for Field Studies in Boston. Derryberry is majoring in ecology and evolutionary biology


The Columbus Dispatch
Copyright 1998 The Columbus Dispatch
May 19, 1998, Tuesday

BYLINE: Bill Eichenberger, Dispatch Book Critic

Josh Kornbluth wanted to be a famous mathematician, but he took a course in calculus at Princeton University, "hit the wall" and abandoned his dream.

He wanted to be a political revolutionary, but communism up and died -- and, besides, he was never much enamored of bloodshed and despots.

He wanted to be a writer, too, but suffered an encompassing and immutable writer's block.

So Kornbluth settled on being a monologuist, inspired by Spalding Gray and Lily Tomlin, and a writer after the fact with Red Diaper Baby: 3 Comic Monologues.

He carried the monologues around in his head; he hadn't written them down. So the publisher, Mercury House, had to transcribe them from recordings. ...


The News and Observer
Copyright 1998 The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC)
May 19, 1998 Tuesday

HEADLINE: Death Notices


AUG. 15, 1917 - MAY 17, 1998

SPRING HOPE - Dr. Leo S. Lavatelli, 80, of Spring Hope, died Sunday, May 17, 1998, after a brief illness. Dr. Lavatelli graduated from the California Institute of Technology and received a Master's degree from Princeton University. During World War II, he was a member of the Manhattan Project that resulted in the first atomic bomb, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. ...


The News and Observer
Copyright 1998 The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC)
May 19, 1998 Tuesday

HEADLINE: Angela's agenda

DURHAM -- When Angela Coleman, fresh out of Princeton University, began her career as a social worker in Washington, day after day she would see girls by the dozen, just a few years younger than she was but a world apart.

Instead of going to school, these teenagers spent most of their days on street corners, in short shorts, smoking weed, with babies attached to their hips.

These girls weren't just contributing to society's ills, she thought; they were hurting themselves, too.

So Coleman, who is both ambitious and altruistic, tried to help. Maybe she could do for those young girls what her own mother had done for her - teach her to be strong and self-confident.

Now, at 27, Coleman is executive director of Sisterhood Agenda Inc., a Durham-based nonprofit she started four years ago. It offers a 13-week seminar called A Journey Toward Womanhood, in which African-American girls are introduced to important women in black history and offered workshops in cooking, sewing and sexual health.

More than 100 teens, most now finishing their senior years in high school or freshman years of college, have graduated from the Saturday seminars; many say the classes strengthened their self-image. Parents and guidance counselors, too, say they have noticed a boost in the girls' self-esteem.

"The overall goal was to make society a little better," Coleman said one Friday afternoon from her west Durham office. "What motivated me is that I just don't want to get another job," she said. "I wanted to be my own boss." ...

Coleman went to Princeton University, where she majored in psychology and African-American studies. After graduating cum laude in 1992, she moved to Washington to run a community center. She wrote grant proposals and taught an adult education program.

And for the first time in her privileged life, she met women who had been bloodied by angry boyfriends. ...

After two years in Washington, Coleman became sick of the "concrete jungle" and moved to Raleigh, sure she'd find work in the Triangle's booming economy.

She became a director for Durham's West End Community Center. Once a thriving middle-class community of African-Americans, the West End is now a place where bullets often fly and drugs are sold openly in the streets. ...


The Washington Post
Copyright 1998 The Washington Post
May 19, 1998, Tuesday

HEADLINE: Analysts: Fed Won't Change Rates; Some Favor Hike, But Not Greenspan
BYLINE: John M. Berry, Washington Post Staff Writer

There will be voices raised arguing for an interest rate increase when Federal Reserve policymakers meet this morning, but Chairman Alan Greenspan's won't be among them and therefore rates won't change, according to a broad consensus of Fedwatchers.

All of the Fed officials, Greenspan included, regard the pace of U.S. economic growth during the past year and a half as unsustainably fast, particularly now that the nation's jobless rate has dropped to a super-low 4.3 percent, several officials said. Sooner or later, continued strong growth and tight labor markets will begin to push inflation up, an outcome most Fed officials are determined to avoid.

For months, Greenspan and the other members of the Fed's top policymaking group, the Federal Open Market Committee, have been expecting U.S. growth to slow, particularly with the economic turmoil in Asia hurting exports of U.S. goods to that region. The question for the committee is: How long to wait for growth to slow down before taking steps to make that happen?

"We have had an extraordinary run of good luck," said former Fed vice chairman Alan Blinder, who has returned to teaching economics at Princeton University. "Steady-as-you-go has worked well for the Fed a long time and is appropriate for a while longer."

Blinder said a series of developments -- including a strong U.S. dollar, falling prices for imports, weak energy prices, moderation of health care cost increases, productivity gains and technical changes to the consumer price index that have reduced its rate of increase -- have allowed the central bank to keep rates stable while unemployment and inflation have come down. ...


Business Wire
Copyright 1998 Business Wire, Inc.
May 18, 1998, Monday

DISTRIBUTION: Business Editors and Computer Writers
HEADLINE: University of Massachusetts and Louisiana State University License PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications


May 18, 1998--

Palomar College to Meet California Community College Reporting Demands with PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft, a leading provider of enterprise application software, today announced that the University of Massachusetts system, including all five campuses, and two Louisiana State University system schools have licensed PeopleSoft Human Resources Management for Education and Government; Financial Management for Education and Government; and Student Administration; and that Palomar College has licensed PeopleSoft Student Administration.

Over the past six months, 32 higher education institutions have licensed PeopleSoft applications including Clemson University, Galludet University, Princeton University, University of Colorado, University of Missouri, University of Rochester, Grand Rapids Community College, and Maricopa Community College District. ...

"PeopleSoft provides colleges and universities with the specialized information technology that students, faculty and staff demand," said Vicki Tambellini, vice president of sales for higher education at PeopleSoft. "We continue to work closely with educational institutions to develop enterprise solutions that increase productivity and self-service throughout campuses nationwide." ...


The Christian Science Monitor
Copyright 1998 The Christian Science Publishing Society
May 18, 1998, Monday

HEADLINE: Know India; Don't Overreact

BYLINE: Atul Kohli

HIGHLIGHT: India Fallout: Embarrassingly Missed Signals

By exploding five nuclear devices during the last week, India has loudly announced to the world its ambitions to stay in the nuclear game. Since India has had nuclear capacity for nearly a quarter of a century, the fact of the blasts does not significantly alter the regional nor the international status quo. The main audience for the blasts is within India, where the move was rightly calculated to be extremely popular, and where a new but troubled Hindu nationalist government hopes to shore up its sagging legitimacy. Knowledgeable observers of India ought to have seen this coming.

The blasts should not be a cause for alarm or overreaction by the United States or the international community. These detonations were driven primarily by domestic political calculations and do not signify the emergence of a more aggressive India.

Most Indian governments in recent years resisted declaring India a nuclear power, reasoning rightly that whereas denial on this issue minimized international costs, open knowledge of possessing nuclear weapons and delivery capacity still enhanced India's national security. This ambiguous posture served India well for more than two decades. What has changed now that has led India to declare itself a nuclear power?

The catalyst is the electoral triumph of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a Hindu nationalist party that took the helm of a shaky coalition government in March after decades of rule by the centrist Congress party and several left-of-center coalition experiments. The right-wing BJP's electoral stock has been rising steadily over this decade due to its commitment to Hindu nationalism, which translated into several distinct political positions. ...

* Atul Kohli is a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J. He is the author of "Democracy and Discontent: India's Crisis of Governability" (Cambridge University Press, 1991).


The Commercial Appeal
Copyright 1998 Southeastern Newspapers Corporation (Memphis, TN)
May 18, 1998, MONDAY


BYLINE: The Associated Press

State Appeals Court Judge Andree Roaf wasn't indulging in nostalgia when she spoke to the graduating class of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock law school.

Roaf was a graduate of the school's first class 20 years ago, when she earned high honors. But, more to the point, her daughter Phoebe was in the class that got its law degrees on Saturday.

Phoebe Roaf introduced her mother to her classmates as someone who, ''despite her many accomplishments, is most proud of her many relationships with her family and friends.'' ...

Phoebe Roaf, like her mother, earned high honors with her degree, graduating in the top third of her class. When she entered law school, she had already earned a bachelor's degree at Harvard and a master's in public administration at Princeton. ...


Copyright 1998 The Daily Oklahoman
May 18, 1998, Monday


HEADLINE: John Francis (Jack) Malloy


John Francis (Jack), died Friday, May 15, 1998. He was born to Lenore Harrington Malloy and Patrick M. Malloy on November 29, 1913, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. ... He attended Cascia Hall in Tulsa and graduated from Andover Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, in 1932. He received a degree in Geology from Princeton University in 1936 where he was a member of Tiger Inn and captain of the golf team. ...


The Dallas Morning News
Copyright 1998 The Dallas Morning News
May 18, 1998, Monday


HEADLINE: News flash; Scientists think huge supernova may help explain gamma ray burst phenomenon
BYLINE: Alexandra Witze

Astronomers studying the mysterious phenomena of gamma ray bursts haven't been able to catch their breath lately.

Two weeks ago, these scientists announced that in December they'd glimpsed one of these high-energy flashes occurring near the outskirts of the universe. Now, astronomers are hunting down a closer quarry - a burst that appeared April 25 and could hold the answers to what causes these puzzling explosions.

Recent observations suggest that the April burst may have occurred at the same time and place that a massive star exploded 145 million light-years away. Scientists have suspected that such a huge supernova could cause at least some of the mysterious bursts.

"If this is right, it connects everything that we've been working on," says astronomer Dale Frail of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, N.M.

The observations are still controversial, and it may take a while for astronomers to sort out exactly what they saw that day in a small portion of the southern sky. Nevertheless, some astronomers say that the April event might help explain what causes the gamma ray bursts, flashes that occur somewhere in the universe about once a day. ...

While the mysterious nearby X-ray source has disappeared, the radio emissions from the supernova were detectable as of late last week, Dr. Frail said. He and other scientists are trying to monitor that radio energy to see whether the supernova will continue to act unlike anything known. And if they're able to actually measure the size of the supernova as it appears in the sky in radio wavelengths, that could help prove whether the supernova had in fact expanded at nearly the speed of light, he says.

That, in turn, would be a final link between the gamma ray burst and the supernova explosion - which astronomers would desperately love to find. If so, the scientists would still have to come up with a way to explain where the fading X-rays came from, if not from the burst or the supernova.

"In either case, this is a very unusual supernova," says Bohdan Paczynski, a theorist at Princeton University in New Jersey. "It demonstrates that the diversity of explosions in the universe is much richer than we thought." ...


International Herald Tribune
Copyright 1998 International Herald Tribune (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France)
May 18, 1998, Monday

HEADLINE: India Says Bomb's Power Surpassed All Estimates; Force Is Put at Nearly Twice What U.S. Gauged
BYLINE: By Kenneth J. Cooper ; Washington Post Service


India's top nuclear scientists said Sunday that the most powerful of five devices tested underground last week produced a force nearly twice as strong as U.S. government sources and scientists had estimated.

The disclosure appeared to corroborate India's earlier statement that it had detonated a thermonuclear device, or hydrogen bomb, the most powerful and destructive type of nuclear weapon.

Development of such a thermonuclear device would indicate that India has made substantial technological advances since the nation's only previous nuclear test in 1974 and can indeed produce ''a big bomb'' as Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee asserted Friday in an interview with a national newsmagazine. ...

Last week, sources in the U.S. government and independent scientific organizations had estimated the yields of India's first round of three tests last Monday, including a thermonuclear device, at 15 to 25 kilotons. Frank von Hippel, a physicist at Princeton University, had suggested that it might have instead been a ''boosted'' fission device. ... 


The Record
Copyright 1998 Bergen Record Corp. (Bergen County, NJ)
May 18, 1998; MONDAY

BYLINE: The Associated Press


More than a year after its predecessor was shut down, scientists are preparing to break ground on the next experimental nuclear reactor at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Dubbed the National Spherical Torus Experiment, or NSTX, the new magnetic fusion device replaces, and reuses parts of, the laboratory's record-setting Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR), which was mothballed after its final experiments in April 1997.

Members of Congress, a Clinton administration official, and other dignitaries were expected to attend the groundbreaking celebration today. They also will dedicate the laboratory office building being renamed for Lyman Spitzer Jr., the late physicist who launched U.S. research into thermonuclear fusion, creating the laboratory here that became the premiere U.S. center for magnetic fusion research. ...


The Record
Copyright 1998 Bergen Record Corp. (Bergen County, NJ)
May 18, 1998; MONDAY



A special property tax panel created by Governor Whitman still has three months to complete its work, but top aides to the governor who serve on the panel say one solution to overtaxed homeowners is obvious.

"We're over-governed,"said Eileen McGinnis, Whitman's chief of policy and planning."We'd like to see New Jersey look different in the future and have fewer units of government."

The Property Tax Commission, which will hold a public hearing Tuesday night in Paramus, is considering other solutions, including creating new taxes to reduce the reliance on property taxes. Urban mayors want the power to tax something other than property, such as wages, and at least one commission member favors higher taxes or fees on new development in suburban areas.

But Whitman aides want to steer the focus away from new taxes and toward smaller government. ...

The Property Tax Commission's work comes almost a decade after another blue-ribbon panel spent more than two years analyzing state and local spending and taxing. Its report, delivered in 1988, was declared "dead on arrival" by the Assembly speaker at the time, but the early obituary proved inaccurate.

That commission, known as SLERP, State and Local Expenditure and Revenue Policy, argued that county property tax payers shouldn't have to fund the costs of courts and welfare offices and mental hospitals whose services were dictated by the state, and the state has since assumed those costs. Those savings were applied to the smallest part of

the property tax bill, the part for county services, so the public barely noticed. ...

The commission recently heard a closed-door presentation from a Michigan group about that state's effort to lower property taxes while raising the state sales tax and putting strict caps on school spending growth. Whitman aides, however, prefer to shift talk away from new or higher taxes.

"Unless you control the spending side, no matter how much revenue you have, it's not going to control property taxes,"McGinnis said.


Princeton University professor David Bradford, a commission member who also served on SLERP, said he still likes a proposal from the 1988 report to have different tax rates or fees charged on new construction in developed and undeveloped areas.

Such a tiered tax structure, Bradford argued, would address the high-tax barriers that stand in the way of rebuilding cities.

"The theory is that the tax you pay when you build something should be in keeping with the extra costs you impose on that community," Bradford said. ...


Roll Call
Copyright 1998 Roll Call, Inc.
May 18, 1998

HEADLINE: New Jersey
12th district
Incumbent: Mike Pappas (R)
1st term (50 percent)

Outlook: Leans Republican

Pappas, a former Somerset County freeholder, won this seat by a mere 3 points in 1996 when ex-Rep. Dick Zimmer (R) left it to run unsuccessfully for Senate.

Now, the central New Jersey district is the site of a heated Democratic primary battle. Although Democrats had their eyes on wealthy investment attorney Carl Mayer as the nominee, Rush Holt, a retired physicist at the Princeton University Plasma Research Center, managed to nab the endorsements of the five major county party organizations in the district. ...


Ventura County Star
Copyright 1998 Ventura County Star (Ventura County, Ca.)
May 18, 1998, Monday

HEADLINE: Assembly race could be close call

BYLINE: Timm Herdt/State bureau chief

When he was president, Ronald Reagan, who kept his legal residence at Rancho Cielo, voted in the Assembly district that encompasses Ventura and Santa Barbara. This is, say Republicans, Reagan Country -- a district that ought to belong to them.

For the last four years it has been just that, having been captured by Santa Ynez Valley vintner Brooks Firestone. But with Firestone stepping aside, the question of which party will own the 35th District is wide open.

As in many coastal districts, the political pendulum swings both ways. ...


Alan "Lanny" Ebenstein: When a visitor enters Ebenstein's 19th century Tudor estate in the foothills above Mission Santa Barbara, the first stop is at the bookcase that holds such scholarly works as "Introduction to Political Thinkers," by Ebenstein and Ebenstein.

It was originally the work of William Ebenstein, an Austrian refugee from Hitler who taught political science at Princeton. His son has updated three of his books and claimed joint authorship.

Ebenstein, who has a Ph.D in political philosophy, put his philosophy to the practical test in 1990, when he was elected to the first of two terms on the Santa Barbara Board of Education. ...


The Boston Globe
Copyright 1998 Globe Newspaper Company
May 17, 1998, Sunday

Peabody woman swims to gold

Mara Moffie, a University of Delaware freshman from Peabody, won a gold medal in the Junior Freestyle short program and a bronze medal in the Junior Frestyle long program at the Princeton University Intercollegiate Figure Skating Competition. Mara is a member of the Blue Hens Figure Skating Team. ...


The Fresno Bee
Copyright 1998 McClatchy Newspapers, Inc.
May 17, 1998 Sunday

HEADLINE: With kids tucked in, writer goes to work
BYLINE: Don O'Briant, Cox News Service

Jodi Picoult's productivity -- literary and otherwise -- is remarkable. In six years she has written five critically acclaimed novels while raising three children.

And she's barely 31.

"When I'm not writing, I get crabby," says Picoult, who manages to find 15 hours of writing time each week at her home in New Hampshire.

"I mainly write at night when the children are asleep. There's no magic inspiration, just perspiration."

A graduate of Princeton University, where she studied with Robert Stone and Mary Morris, Picoult, whose novels include "Songs of the Humpback Whale" and "Harvesting the Heart," has been compared to Judith Guest and Anne Tyler.

"I write about horrible things such as euthanasia, battered women and teen suicide because I keep hoping if I write about them in fiction, I won't have to experience them in reality," she said.

Her new novel, "The Pact: A Love Story" (Morrow, $24), deals with teen-age love, teen-age suicide and the resulting guilt that haunts families. ...


Copyright 1998 The Hartford Courant Company
May 17, 1998 Sunday


Franklin Patrick Kearney, a retired engineer, most recently of Peterborough, NH, died on April 30, 1998, of complications from a series of strokes which were bravely fought over a period of more than five years. ... He graduated from the Kingswood School in West Hartford, and received an AB from Princeton University in 1935. ...


Los Angeles Times
Copyright 1998 Times Mirror Company
May 17, 1998, Sunday



A memorial service for Thousand Oaks civic activist Otto G. Stoll will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at United Methodist Church in Westlake Village. John Nagel will officiate.

Stoll, who fought for housing and public safety causes, died Wednesday at UCLA Medical Center after a long battle with coronary disease. He was 51.

Before immersing himself in civic life, Stoll was a public relations executive. In Thousand Oaks, he was an honorary captain for the Ventura County Sheriff's Department and a former Conejo Valley Man of the Year.

Stoll was born Jan. 1, 1947, in New Jersey. He graduated from Brown University, and also attended Princeton University and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs. ...


The New York Times
Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company
May 17, 1998, Sunday

NAME: Suharto

HEADLINE: Suharto, a King of Java Past, Confronts Indonesia's Future

DATELINE: JAKARTA, Indonesia, May 16

Behind the grillwork on the windows of an unmarked and unexceptional house on a narrow tree-lined street here in the capital lives a wily old widower who, some people say, seems to think he is king.

The resident, President Suharto, faces some agonizing choices in the days and weeks ahead. The prospects of this country of 210 million people -- and of all Southeast Asia -- will depend in part on how he decides to respond to the growing movement against him and to the riots that erupted here and left hundreds dead.

But one of the fundamental reasons for the turmoil is that the perceptions that frame Mr. Suharto's decision-making are a world apart from those that invigorate his opponents. Some associates and scholars say that the President, for many decades a profoundly spiritual man, sees himself in a divinely ordained role like that of the old kings of Java. A growing number of his countrymen, meanwhile, want him simply as a President -- or, increasingly, as a former President. ...

"The whole thing has a structure, a plot, in terms of how regimes change," said Clifford Geertz, a Princeton University anthropologist who is renowned for his study of Java. "The king loses his power, and there's disorder in the realm and there are attacks on him. And then slowly the old guy goes out and the new guy comes in."

"There's almost a staged scenario for how a dynasty ends," Mr. Geertz added, "and to me this looks eerily like it." ...


The Plain Dealer
Copyright 1998 Plain Dealer Publishing Co.
May 17, 1998 Sunday


John McPhee set out 20 years ago to tell the story of North America as revealed by the roadcuts and natural exposures along Interstate 80, a project he originally conceived as lasting a year or so. He has been criss-crossing the continent in the company of geologists ever since in his quest to understand how North America came to be, how this history has been deduced by geologists and what these stories mean for us intellectually, psychologically and economically.

McPhee, who teaches writing at Princeton University, has told parts of the story in four previous books: "Basin and Range," "In Suspect Terrain," "Rising From the Plains" and "Assembling California." He has now assembled the text of these books into a single volume, "Annals of the Former World," updating the facts and polishing the prose, and rounding off the tale with a new essay about the rocks underlying the middle portion of North America, "Crossing the Craton."

McPhee strives to let the rocks tell their story directly. Believing that a good roadcut is a thing of wonder, he eloquently describes particular exposures and then leads the reader to visualize the former worlds they represent. ...


The Record
Copyright 1998 Bergen Record Corp. (Bergen County, NJ)
May 17, 1998; SUNDAY


Few things are more exciting to a teenager than a thick envelope from the admissions office at his or her college of choice.

And few things are more disappointing to a parent than finding that the college did not provide enough financial aid to make it affordable.

When that happens, many families accept their fate, assuming that financial aid packages are carved in stone, and the student is forced to select another college. Before doing so, however, it is worth appealing the award and seeing if the college might be more generous. ...

A common appeal is based on a change in a family's finances, such as a parent losing a job, said Don Betterton, director of financial aid at Princeton University."If you think there's been a change since the application was submitted, you can appeal for financial reasons." ...

You might also appeal for competitive reasons, another college offered more money, but that can get tricky. At Princeton, where all aid is need-based, you're unlikely to get an adjustment to match another college's non-need merit scholarship, said Betterton.

But if another Ivy League college were to give more aid, Princeton

would review its decision, he said. Likewise, if the other college provided a need-based package that was higher in cash (scholarship), and less in self-help (job or loan), Princeton would consider doing the same. But such adjustments are made in a "very limited number of cases,"said Betterton. ...


South China Morning Post
Copyright 1998 South China Morning Post Ltd.
May 17, 1998


HEADLINE: the virtual travel agent

BYLINE: Arranging your holidays via the Internet may seem like the ultimate in going your own way: browse websites at your leisure, take advantage of instantly updated information, book at your convenience. But should the flesh -and-blood travel agent really start counting his days? AMANDA WATSON finds out.

IT'S FAST and it's cheap and I can do it in my underwear while downloading a glass of chardonnay. Settling at the computer to plan a trip abroad is not only damned civilised, it has also removed one of the constants of travelling: I no longer need to deal with someone seemingly intent on turning one of the high points of my year into a nightmare. So it's goodbye to travel agencies, where I seemed to spend day after frustrating day. And it's farewell to finding myself sitting next to a colicky baby on a plane that will get in 20 minutes too late for me to make a connecting flight. ...

Link sites like this one, set up by Princeton University, are a growing feature of the Internet. Basically, someone takes a lot of the effort out of your searches. This is a useful collection of worldwide links to things like road and rail information, bus, ferry and train schedules, roadworks reports, metro maps, etc.


The Cincinnati Enquirer
Copyright 1998 The Cincinnati Enquirer
May 16, 1998, Saturday

HEADLINE: Vows hold history lesson Group to stage 1886 wedding

SOURCE: Enquirer Contributor


"They exchanged vows. He gave her a simple gold band as a wedding ring. Inside were engraved the words: 'Each for the other and both for God.' "

That is how historian James R. Blackwood describes the 1886 wedding of Otelia Augspurger and Elias Compton, an event that will be re-enacted Sunday.

"The marriage of Otelia to Elias and the story of their family is the story of migration, settling and assimilation," said Anne Jantzen. She and her husband, Carl, are organizing the event. The Augspurger-Compton union represented the intermixing of English and German settlers in Butler County.

The actual wedding took place on Aug. 3, 1886, at Chrisholm, the Augspurger farmstead near Trenton. ...

Each of Otelia Augspurger's and Elias Compton's four children rose to prominence.

Karl became president of MIT and a trustee of Princeton University. Arthur, a physicist, served on the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb and won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1927. Wilson became a lumber executive and industry spokesman and later was named director of the U.S. Information Agency.

Mary, considered the best scholar of the family, wed Dr. Herbert Rice, a career missionary in India.


Copyright 1998 FT Asia Intelligence Wire
May 16, 1998

HEADLINE: Analysts fear economic woes will spread


Riots, political turmoil and a new currency crash have cast huge doubts over an international rescue deal for Indonesia and raised concerns that Asia's economic crisis will spread.

A $40-billion international package renegotiated by the IMF last month has become almost irrelevant.

Rioters are demanding political change, singling out the Chinese minority and complaining about IMF-mandated price hikes for fuel and transport.

"The IMF programme and the money is nothing but putting a finger in the dike unless they solve the political problems," said Sung Won Sohn of Norwest Corp. in Minneapolis. "We are looking potentially at a long period of instability. This is going to cause problems for the whole of Asia and not just for the immediate region. I think it could reach through Japan and the United States." ...

IMF officials declined to say whether the rupiah's fall would prompt any revision of the reform package or whether planned missions to Indonesia would be put on hold because of the violence.

Peter Kenen, of Princeton University, said the rupiah would stay vulnerable while the political situation was tense. The crashing currency would "kick the hell out of any immediate corporate debt deal" because the government could no longer afford to guarantee a settlement rate. ...


The Economist
Copyright 1998 The Economist Newspaper Ltd..
May 16, 1998, U.S. Edition

HEADLINE: Engineering: in need of heroes

Why are architects glamorous and engineers anonymous? It wasn't always so

TED HAPPOLD, an engineer who worked on the Sydney Opera House and the Pompidou Centre in Paris, once wryly remarked that while everybody knew Whistler's grandmother, nobody knew that his father was a distinguished engineer. He might have added that Whistler's uncle was one as well. The two young Americans, George Washington Whistler and William Gibbs McNeill, went to Britain in 1828 to study the then new railways. They returned home to engineer the Baltimore & Ohio, America's first public railway.

While Happold had a point, everybody does know of the man whom Whistler and McNeill went to Britain to meet, George Stephenson, renowned as the father of the railways. In Stephenson's time engineers were quite often famous. For almost a century after 1760, they bathed in the reflected glory of their amazing creations. The peak of that glory occurred at about the time of the Great Exhibition in 1851, which an engineering historian, L.T.C. Rolt, has called "the high noon of British engineering". ...

In the 20 years after the first world war, Maillart designed a number of bridges of which the two most notable are those at Salginatobel and Schwandbach in Switzerland. Of the latter, David Rillington, a Princeton University historian, has written, "It is undeniably a work of man and not of nature. It springs not from any organic, natural form but from the imagination of an engineer. It expresses the ideal of minimum waste of materials and monies. No one else ever before or since has designed a work quite like it." ...


The San Francisco Examiner
Copyright 1998 The Hearst Corporation
May 16, 1998, Saturday

HEADLINE: Laura Tyson is named dean of Berkeley business school; Ex-Clinton advisor has international expertise, contacts

Laura D'Andrea Tyson, former chief economic advisor to President Bill Clinton, was named the new dean of the Haas School of Business at UC-Berkeley Friday.

Tyson will succeed outgoing Dean William Hasler, who has chosen to return to private business.

Tyson's appointment, effective June 30, will make her the only woman serving as dean of a major business school in the country. ...

In 1997, she returned to teaching at UC-Berkeley, where she had first joined the faculty in 1977. She is a graduate of Smith College who earned her Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tyson taught at Princeton University before joining Berkeley. ...