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Contact: Patricia Coen 609/258-5764
Date: October 27, 1997

Health Care Lecture Series Continues at the Woodrow Wilson School

Princeton, N.J. --The Health Care Lecture Series, begun in the spring 1996 at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, continues this semester, featuring a group of distinguished health care specialists speaking on a variety of timely and critical topics.

Mitchell Zeller, associate commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, will speak on "Regulation of Tobacco: The FDA Perspective," on Tuesday, November 4, at 4:30 p.m. in Robertson Hall, Bowl 2.

Zeller, who joined the FDA in 1993, is responsible for coordinating the FDA's investigation and regulation of nicotine-containing products. He has also overseen the FDA's regulatory policies on dietary supplements, animal drugs, and pesticides. He had previously been counsel to the Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee of the House Government Operations Committee, where he conducted oversight and investigations of food and drug issues ranging from the drug approval process to food safety and food labeling.

Charles Kahn III, the staff director of the House Ways and Means Committee on Health will speak on "The Legacy of the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 for Medicare," on Monday, November 10, at 4:30 p.m. in Robertson Hall, Bowl 1.

Kahn was formerly the executive vice president of the Health Insurance Association of America, with primary responsibilities over governmental affairs, research and policy from April of 1993 through December of 1994. He has also been the Minority Health Counsel to the Ways and Means Committee and the senior health policy adviser to former Senator Dave Druenberger, R-Minnesota, when the Senator served as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee's subcommittee on health. He has taught health policy at the George Washington and Tulane Universities.

John Rother, director of the legislation and public policy division for the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) will speak on "Where Goes Managed Care? And What Role for Consumers?" on Wednesday, December 3 at 4:30 p.m. in Robertson Hall, Bowl 2.

In his position at AARP, Rother is responsible for the federal and state legislative advocacy activities of the association, as well as the policy research and public education programs that support those efforts. Before joining AARP, Rother spent eight years as a staff member in the U.S. Senate, working as special counsel for labor and health to former Senator Jacob Javits, and as staff director and chief counsel for the Special Committee on Aging, under its chairman, Senator John Heinz.

The lecture series is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, the Center for Health Care Strategies, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
