News from
Office of Communications, Stanhope Hall
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Contact: Patricia Coen 609/258-5764
Date: October 10, 1997

Is Civility a Dying Norm in Congress? Jamieson Asks in WWS Lecture

Princeton, N.J. -- Kathleen Hall Jamieson, professor of communication and dean of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, will give a lecture entitled "Shut Up You Liar: Is Civility a Dying Norm in Congress?" at Princeton University on Monday, October 13, at 4:30 p.m. in the Computer Science Building, Room 104.

In her talk, Jamieson will address issues she raised in her report "Civility in the House of Representatives," written for the Bipartisan Congressional Retreat, and as a witness at the hearing of the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House regarding civility in the House.

During the 1996 general election, Jamieson served as a commentator on the election debates for CBS News, on campaign advertising for PBS's The NewsHour , and on campaign discourse for NPR's Weekend Edition . She is the author of numerous books, including Dirty Politics: Deception, Distraction and Democracy ; Packaging the Presidency , for which she was awarded the Golden Anniversary Book Award of the Speech Communication Association; and Eloquence in an Electronic Age , for which she received the Winans-Wichelns Book Award. Her most recent book is Spiral of Cynicism: Press and the Public Good , which she co-authored with Joseph Cappella.

Jamieson's lecture is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
