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Contact: Patricia Coen (609) 258-5764
Date: January 24, 1997

Germany without the Wall
is the Subject of WWS Lecture

Princeton, N.J.--Freimut Duve, a member of the German parliament (Social Democratic Party), Hamburg, will give a lecture entitled "Germany and Europe -- Seven Years without the Wall" at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Thursday, February 13, in Robertson Hall, Bowl 1, at 4:30 p.m.

In the Bundestag, the lower house of the German Parliament, Duve is a member of the foreign affairs committee, chair of the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Questions of the osce Parliamentary Assembly, and chair of the party's American-German Relations Group. He also serves as the cultural spokesperson of the spd.

Duve's long and varied professional career includes the founding of a German-language school in Hamburg for migrant workers from southern Europe and Turkey, an appointment as dean of foreign students at Hamburg University, and and service as the political writer for Stern , Germany's leading weekly magazine. A prolific writer and lecturer, he served as chief editor of Germany's leading political paperback series, "rororo-aktuell," which published essays on feminist issues, world trends in technology and ecology, and topical essays by leading politicians. Contributors included Willy Brandt, Václav Havel, James Baldwin, Helmut Schmidt, and Nelson Mandela.

Duve lectures throughout the world and publishes widely. His writings can be found in Der Spiegel , Die Zeit , Le Monde , Le Matin , and Le Nouvel Observateur , and he contributes a weekly column to Hamburger Morgenpost . His books include Cape without Hope (1965) on South Africa, and Der Rassenkrieg findet nicht statt (The Racial War is Not Happening, 1969) on Germany's foreign aid policies and the Third World. His most recent book, Von Krieg in Der Seele: Rucksichten eines Deutschen (On the War in the Soul: Considerations of a German, 1995) is an autobiographical work detailing Duve's search for his father's brother, whom he had never met. Duve's father was Jewish and went underground before Duve's birth to escape the Nazis; his mother's family belonged to the Nazi party. "I mourned a man I had never met," Duve writes in the book. He found his uncle, who was living in the Bronx, by looking in the phone book during a trip to New York.

His lecture is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the John Foster Dulles Program Lecture Series.