News from
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Contact: Justin Harmon (609) 258-5732
Date: October 31, 1996

Dean of the Faculty Amy Gutmann to Step Down

PRINCETON, NJ., October 31 - President Harold T. Shapiro announced today that Amy Gutmann, Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Dean of the Faculty, has decided to step down as Dean of the Faculty effective July 1, 1997. Dean Gutmann intends to return to her work in the Politics Department and the University Center for Human Values. Professor Gutmann will, however, continue to work part-time as advisor to the President, working on special academic initiatives.

In making this announcement, President Shapiro noted that "Amy Gutmann has provided exceptional leadership during her tenure as Dean of the Faculty, presiding over an expansion of the duties of the Dean's Office with respect to a wide range of academic and nonacademic issues. While I had hoped to work with Amy in this capacity for a longer period of time, I understand her desire to be able to spend more time on scholar-ship and teaching. We certainly intend to consolidate and build on her accomplishments, and we will continue to count on her advice, creativity and leadership."

Dean Gutmann issued the following statement: "On becoming Dean of the Faculty, I looked forward to the opportunity for service to the University that came with the position, and it has not disappointed me. I have participated in launching new programs for which I have great hope. I have worked with many wonderful people, most importantly President Shapiro, Provost Ostriker, and the superb staff of the Dean's Office, who could not have done more to make my job productive and enjoyable. What I did not foresee is how much I would miss scholarship and teaching. I now know more vividly than before what it means to have a calling and what happens when one turns aside from it. As I return to teaching and scholarship -as of next July 1, I am grateful to President Shapiro for the chance to continue as his advisor for special academic initiatives about which I continue to care very much."

President Shapiro announced that Provost Jeremiah Ostriker will lead a search committee to recommend a new appointment to him as soon as possible. The search .committee, which will consist of the six elected faculty members of the Committee on Appointments and Advancements, will canvass the ideas and concerns of interested faculty regarding this critical appointment. President Shapiro encouraged faculty members to submit nominations to the Provost or to members of the search committee.