News from
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Contact: Justin Harmon (609) 258-5732
Date: October 25, 1996

Center for Community Service to Form Lasting Legacy of Princeton University's 250th Anniversary Celebration

PRINCETON, N.J., October 25 -- A new Center for Community Service will be among the major, lasting legacies of Princeton's 250th Anniversary celebration, it was announced at today's campus convocation marking the anniversary of the granting of the institution's first charter.

According to Burton Malkiel, Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics and the chair of the 250th Anniversary steering committee, "This center will bring together in one place the various community service organizations at Princeton. We believe this will bring important synergies. We also plan to enhance the effectiveness and educational experience of these activities by providing training and by setting up a library and computerized clearinghouse of information about volunteer activities for students, faculty, staff and alumni."

In addition, Malkiel said, "the center will become a catalyst for enriching the curriculum by forging linkages between community service and our traditional academic mission."

Nearly 1,000 students a week participate in community service projects through the Student Volunteers Council, Community House, Blairstown and other programs. By the time they graduate, nearly 80 percent of each class has contributed to some kind of community service activity, according to Pam Hersh, the University's director of the community and state affairs.

As part of the 250th Anniversary Campaign for Princeton, the University will seek to raise $7 million for the Center for Community Service. To date, $2.5 million has been committed by Princeton alumni.

"From our founding, service to our society has held a prominent place in our objectives," said President Harold T. Shapiro at the convocation. "In good measure because of Professor Malkiel's efforts . . . I am pleased today to be able to announce that we will go forward with plans to establish a center for community serivce as part of the legacy of this 250th celebration."