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Date: April 24, 1996
Contact: Patricia Coen, 609/258-5764

Alumna speaks on new abortion pill

Princeton, N.J.--Charlotte Ellertson, a staff associate at the Population Council and an independent reproductive-health consultant, will give a lecture entitled ``The Abortion Pill (RU486): A New Choice for American Women.'' Sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School, the lecture will begin at 4:30 p.m. on April 29 in 1 Robertson Hall, at 4:30 p.m.

At New York's Population Council, Ellertson works in the Programs Division in the area of reproductive health. Her primary responsibilities include the design and analysis of programs to examine, approve, and introduce new reproductive health technologies. She is also responsible for the division's relations with the Center for Biomedical Research and with industry. As an independent consultant Ellertson has worked with numerous clients, both private and public, including Ortho Pharmaceutical, the U.S. Office of Population Affairs, the U.S. Surgeon General's Office, and the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy.

Ellertson, who was born in South Africa and raised in a small Zulu community, received both her MPA (1992) and Ph.D. (1993) from the Woodrow Wilson School. In her graduate study she concentrated on domestic policy, health policy, and reproductive health, and her dissertation analyzed the effects of laws mandating parental involvement in minors' abortions. She has been active in the area of reproductive health since her undergraduate days at Harvard, where she was active in peer contraceptive counseling and was codirector of the rape-crisis and sexual-harassment peer-counseling center.