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Date: April 24, 1996
Contact: Patricia Coen, (609) 258-5764

Assistant Secretary-General to Look at "The UN at the End of the Century"

Princeton, N.J.--Rosario Green, assistant secretary-general for political affairs at the United Nations, will speak on "The UN at the End of the Century" at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Monday, April 29 at 4:30 p.m. in Bowl 2, Robertson Hall.

Green, who has been designated by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to aid in ensuring the mainstreaming of gender concerns in the UN, and to coordinate the follow-up to December's Fourth World Conference on Women, was vice-minister of foreign affairs in Mexico before she joined the UN in 1994. She had previously been Mexico's executive secretary of the National Commission of Human Rights, serving as that country's ombudsman, and had also served as ambassador to the German Democratic Republic and head of the Diplomatic Academy of Mexico. She has also been a professor and taught at the National University of Mexico, El Colegio de Mexico, and several other universities in her country.

She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Human Rights, the Mexican Academy of International Law, the editorial board of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs Quarterly Journal , and the board of the United Nations International School, and chair of the Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat.

Her lecture is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.