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Release: Sept. 21, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

EPA Administrator to Speak
at Princeton University

Princeton, N.J.--Carol Browner, administrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, will speak on ``Environmental
Protection: Reform, Not Repeal'' at Princeton University's Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Tuesday,
September 26, at 4:30 p.m. in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall.

Head of EPA since 1993, Browner's responsibilities include
protecting the nation's air and water from harmful pollution,
overseeing the disposal of garbage and hazardous waste, cleaning
up contaminated sites, and establishing rules for pesticide use
and food safety. In July of 1994 she announced the Common Sense
Initiative, a new industry-by-industry approach to environmental
regulation that moves beyond the old ``piecemeal'' approach that
dealt with air, water, and land pollution separately. In March of
1995, along with President Clinton and Vice President Gore,
Browner announced a package of 25 regulatory reforms to cut
paperwork and simplify environmental rules.

Internationally, EPA played a key role in negotiating the
environmental side agreement to the North American Free Trade
Agreement, working to develop the administration's Climate Change
Action Plan to slow global warming, and its proposal to ban the
overseas export of hazardous wastes.

Her talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School, the
University's Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, and the
Princeton Environmental Institute.