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Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5264
TEL 609/258-3600 FAX 609/258-1301

Release: Aug. 25, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

''Threatened, Endangered, Extinct''
Paintings by Dallas Piotrowski on Display
at Woodrow Wilson School

Princeton, N.J.--``Threatened, Endangered, Extinct,'' a
series of paintings by Hamilton resident Dallas Piotrowski,
will be on display at Princeton UniversityÕs Woodrow Wilson
School in the Marver and Sheva Bernstein Gallery on the lower
level of Robertson Hall from Sept. 17 through Oct. 27.

Piotrowski, who describes herself as a life-long nature-
lover, paints endangered animals in settings other than their
natural habitats, to emphasize the fact that the animals are
losing their homes. Her works include ``Lost in Transit''
which depicts two zebras huddled together in a Bronx subway
station; and ``Warning. This Species About to be Erased.
Press to Continue,'' which shows a lowland gorilla in his
natural habitat in Central Africa, sitting next to a
computer. Other creatures, depicted in acrylic in a very
realistic style on large canvases, include whooping cranes,
pandas, an elephant, and an eagle.

Piotrowski, who is well known in local art circles for her
botanical paintings, has exhibited her work in the Trenton
City Museum, the Monmouth Museum, the New Jersey State Museum
in Trenton, and at Phillips Mill in New Hope. Her paintings
are included in the private permanent collections of American
Cyanamid in West Windsor, Princeton Bank in Forrestal
Village, Boehm Porcelain in Trenton, and St. Francis Medical
Center in Trenton.

A portion of sales made during the exhibition at the Woodrow
Wilson School will be donated by the artist to Greenpeace and
the Nature Conservancy.

The Bernstein Gallery in Robertson Hall, at the corner of
Prospect Ave. and Washington Rd. in Princeton, is open Monday
through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., and from 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. There is no charge for