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Release: Aug. 4, 1995
Contact: Ben Primer (609/258-6345)

David A. Morse, Who Accepted Nobel Peace
Prize for International Labour Organisation,
Featured in Princeton Library Exhibition

Princeton, N.J.--The life and career of David A. Morse, long-
time Director-General of the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) is commemorated in a recently-opened
exhibition at Princeton's Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library.
Entitled "Labor of Love: Selections From the David A. Morse
Papers," the exhibit traces the path of this son of
immigrants from his boyhood in Somerville, N.J., through the
pinnacle of his career, accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in
1969 on behalf of the ILO.

Educated at Rutgers University and Harvard Law School, Morse
joined the New Deal, serving in the departments of Interior
and Justice and with the National Labor Relations Board.
During World War II he entered the Army where he developed
labor plans and policies for post-war Italy and Germany.
After the war Morse became assistant secretary of labor,
charged with the department's international affairs.
Promoted to under secretary of labor in 1947, Morse briefly
became acting secretary of labor upon the death of Lewis
Schwellenbach in 1948.

The main focus of the exhibition is, however, Morse's years
as head of the ILO from 1948 until 1970. The unending stream
of dignitaries to the ILO's Geneva office included Pope Paul
VI, Hubert Humphrey and Anthony Eden. Photographs, documents
and memorabilia demonstrate the role of the ILO in setting
standards and providing technical assistance to developing
nations and document Morse's travels to scores of member
countries where he met with the likes of Nikita Khrushchev
and Haile Selassie.

The Morse exhibition celebrates the completion of a year-long
project to organize and microfilm his papers, which was
generously funded by Morse's widow, Mildred. The exhibition
continues through Jan. 31, 1996, at the Mudd Library, 65
Olden St., Princeton, N.J., (609) 258-6345. Library hours
are 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, open
Wednesday evenings until 8:00 p.m.

For more information, contact Ben Primer
(609) 258-6345