News from
Communications and Publications
Stanhope Hall
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5264
TEL 609/258-3600 FAX 609/258-1301

Release: May 8, 1995
Contact: Jacquelyn Savani (609/258-5729)

"Fermat's Last Theorem, A Personal
Account" Wiles Gives Public Lecture
to Mark Publication of Proof

Princeton, N.J.--Princeton University Mathematics Professor Andrew
Wiles will give a public lecture entitled "Fermat's Last Theorem,
A Personal Account," on Monday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in McCosh 50
on campus. The lecture marks the publication this month in the
Annals of Mathematics of Wiles's solution to a celebrated problem
stated over 350 years ago by the French mathematician Pierre de
Fermat in the margin of the 1621 edition of Diophantus'

Note to Media: Press intending on covering the event should
contact Susan Weinkopff at the Communications Office at (609) 258-
3601, so that a seat can be reserved. No video cameras or flash
photography before or during the lecture. At the end, after Wiles
has finished taking questions from the audience, there will be a
photo opportunity.