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Release: April 19, 1995
Contact: Tom Krattenmaker (609/258-5748)

Princeton Senior Wins
Churchill Scholarship

PRINCETON, N.J. -- William Russell Mann of Clarksville, Tenn., is
one of 10 American students awarded the Winston Churchill
Scholarship for graduate work at Cambridge University in
engineering, mathematics and the sciences.

Mann, a senior majoring in mathematics at Princeton University,
will use his Churchill Scholarship to pursue a one-year course of
study toward a certificate of advanced study in mathematics. He
and the other Churchill Scholars will study at Cambridge's Winston
Churchill College.

After a year at Cambridge, Mann plans to return to the United
States to pursue a PhD and a career in mathematics.

Among his previous awards, Mann has won the Goldwater Scholarship
and shared the Brown Prize, awarded by Princeton's mathematics
department to its top junior. In addition, he was recently named a
Putnam Fellow, signifying a top-five performance in a national
mathematics contest for undergraduates. He also recently won a
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and a Department
of Defense Graduate Fellowship.

As extra-curricular activities at Princeton, Mann has participated
in intramural sports and played on the club soccer team for four

He is the son of James T. and Dorothy Mann of Clarksville.

Winners of Churchill Scholarship receive approximately $20,000
toward tuition, travel, and living expenses at Churchill College.