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Release: March 30, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

How the Contract with America
Will Affect America's' Children

Princeton, N.J.--Domestic Policy Adviser to President Clinton
Carol Rasco will speak on ``The Faces of Children: The Impact of
the Contract with America on America's Children'' at Princeton
University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs on Wednesday, April 12, at 4:30 p.m. in Robertson Hall,
Bowl 5.

As the President's chief domestic policy adviser, Rasco supervises
and coordinates the work of the White House staff of the
President's Domestic Policy Council. She also serves on the
Department of Education's National Education Goals Panel.

Rasco worked with President Clinton when he was Governor of
Arkansas, serving as his senior executive assistant responsible
for staff and operations of the Governor's office. She was also
his liaison to the National Governors' Association, helping to
craft their policies on welfare reform, child care, and health
care reform.

Her talk is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.