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Communications and Publications
Stanhope Hall
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5264
TEL 609/258-3600 FAX 609/258-1301

Release: March 28, 1995
Contact: Justin Harmon (609/258-5732)

Celebrating Women at Princeton--
25 Years and More

PRINCETON, N.J. -- The President's Standing Committee on the
Status of Women is sponsoring a week of events from Thursday,
April 6, through Thursday, April 13, to mark the 25th anniversary
of the arrival on campus of Princeton's first coeducational class
and to recognize the important contributions made to the
University over many years by women as staff members and in many
other roles.

"Celebrating Women at Princeton--25 Years and More" begins on
Thursday, April 6, with a panel featuring President Emeritus
Robert F. Goheen and others who were either involved in the
decision to make Princeton coeducational or were among the first
women students on campus (4:30 p.m., 101 McCormick Hall). A
special presentation on Monday, April 10, will bring former
Associate Dean of the Faculty Alison Bernstein back to campus to
discuss "A Vision of Women's Education 25 Years from Today";
Bernstein is now director of the Education and Culture Program of
the Ford Foundation (5:00 p.m., Bowen Hall Auditorium).

Several creative arts programs will contribute to the celebration,
including a dance concert featuring new works that address women's
roles, choreographed by members of the dance faculty (April 7 and
8), and "Making Our Marks," a performance of poetry, theater and
dance by undergraduates (April 9 and 10). The Princeton University
Women's Organization will honor those "whose actions and attitudes
make the University a great place to work and study, especially
for women" (April 11).

The title "Where Do We Go From Here? concluding panel two women
who have been administrators at P.U. and tow gwomen grads of PU
Elaine ; eadh asked to discuss women in a particular profrssion.
women in sciences, women in higher education, elaine attorney and
pubolic service.; karen magee, director of finance for time inc .
on businress. here are the experiences of women with pu . also
future of professions. moderator nan wells.

For complete calendar information, call S. Georgia Nugent, chair
of the Standing Committee, at (609) 258-3013 or e-mail