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Release: March 21, 1995
Contact: Tom Krattenmaker (609/258-5748)

Princeton Lecture Series to Address
Electronic Authoring and Publishing
in the Humanities

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Issues surrounding electronic authoring and
publishing in the humanities are the subject of a Princeton
University lecture series running in April. Titled "Live Wires:
New Media, Electronic Texts, and the Humanities," the series
consists of three lectures, on April 4, April 12, and April 20.

The series will consider some of the following questions: How new
are the "new" media? What promises do they fulfill? Who bears the
costs and creative risks? What are the human costs and benefits --
for users, industry workers, librarians, scholars and publishers?

The first lecture will be delivered on Tuesday, April 4, by Bob
Stein, president of the Voyager Company, which publishes
critically acclaimed consumer CD-ROMs. Stein will speak on "From
Printed Word to Electronic Text" at 4:30 p.m. at Dodds Auditorium.

"Virtual Reality and the Future of Prose" is the second lecture in
the series, as well as the Eberhard L. Faber Class of 1915
Memorial Lecture. Jay David Bolter of the Georgia Institute of
Technology -- the author of _Writing Space_ and co-creator of
Storyspace -- will give the lecture on Wednesday, April 12, at
4:30 p.m. in Lewis Thomas 003.

The final lecture in the series will be given by Michael Heim,
author of _The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality_ and _Electric
Language_. Heim will speak on "A Decade of Electric Language" on
Thursday, April 20, in Dodds Auditorium.

The series is sponsored by the Princeton Writing Program and co-
sponsored by the Center for Information Technology, the Council of
the Humanities, and the Program in American Studies.

The lectures are free and open to the public.