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Release: March 7, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

Noted Economist to Discuss Individualism
and Multiculturalism

Princeton, N.J.--Glenn Loury, a professor of economics at Boston
University, will speak on ``Individualism Before
Multiculturalism'' at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs on Monday, March 27, at 4:30
p.m. in Robertson Hall, Bowl 1.

In addition to his work as an economic theorist, Loury has been
involved in public debate and analysis of racial inequality and
social policy toward the poor in the United States. His essays
and commentaries on these topics have appeared in the _New York
Times, Wall Street Journal, The Public Interest, Commentary, The
New Republic_, and other publications.

Loury, has taught economics and public policy at Harvard,
Northwestern, and the University of Michigan, and has been a
visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, Oxford
University, Tel Aviv University, and the University of Stockholm.
He has published widely on microeconomic theory, industrial
organization, natural resource economics, and the economics of
income distribution, and has served as an adviser to state and
federal government agencies and private businesses in his fields
of expertise. He has been the recipient of a Guggenheim
Fellowship to support his work, and has served as an economist on
several advisory commissions for the National Academy of Sciences.

His talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.