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Release: January 26, 1995
Contact: Tom Krattenmaker (609/258-5748)

Princeton, American Biomimetics Enter Agreement
For Research on High-Resolution Displays

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Princeton University and American Biomimetics
Corporation of Margate, N.J., have entered into a $2 million
agreement for research in the area of high-resolution computer and
television displays.

The three-year research and licensing program is focusing on novel
organic materials, a promising new approach to the development of
high-quality displays. The work is centered in Princeton's
Advanced Technology Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic
Materials (POEM).

"The scientific challenges leading to high-quality color, flat-
panel displays are daunting, but nevertheless solvable," said
Stephen Forrest, director of Princeton's Program in Photonics.
"American Biomimetics' generous long-term commitment to POEM
research in this area represents a far-sighted view of
technological progress, which should significantly impact U.S.
high-tech industries such as the display industry."

The research on organic display technology has extremely demanding
applications, Forrest notes. The work could lead to the
development of such products as personal communications systems,
high-definition television, and in-home theater. Princeton
researchers believe that the novel organic materials approach
holds advantages over the other leading display technologies in
performance, cost, and flexibility.

In exchange for its sponsorship of the basic research at
Princeton, American Biomimetics will have the exclusive right to
license the display technology and develop related display
products for the marketplace. The university has filed an
application for a patent on multicolor light-emitting device

"Beyond its inherent technological novelty, a research
collaboration of this magnitude with a small New Jersey firm is
not an everyday occurrence for us," said Allen Sinisgalli,
associate provost for Research and Project Administration. "This
agreement demonstrates Princeton's ability to respond to a growing
range of 'partners' in support of world-class research being
conducted in Princeton laboratories."

POEM, established at Princeton in 1989 with the co-sponsorship of
the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology, performs
fundamental and applied photonics research with an eye toward
commercial viability.

"We are extremely proud of our involvement with Princeton
University in this most promising and innovative research," said
American Biomimetics Chair Sherwin I. Seligsohn. "The POEM
facilities and faculty are well-suited for this important program.
We look forward to the successful development of this technology
into a wide family of commercial display products."