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Release: January 27, 1995
Contact: Tom Krattenmaker (609/258-5748)

Stephanie Rogers of New Orleans Named
Winner of Princeton's Sachs Scholarship

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Stephanie Rogers, a senior in Princeton
University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs, has been named winner of university's Daniel M. Sachs
Class of 1960 Graduating Senior Scholarship.

Rogers, of New Orleans, La., plans to use the scholarship to
pursue the M.Phil. degree in international relations at Oxford's
Worcester College. Rogers is working toward a career in
international relations and is particularly interested in helping
the transition of Central Europe and the former Soviet Union to a
market economy.

The Sachs Scholarship has been awarded since 1970 in the memory of
Daniel Sachs, who starred in football and lacrosse as a Princeton
undergraduate before going on to Worcester College as a Rhodes
Scholar and, after that, to Harvard Law School. Sachs died of
cancer at the age of 28. When classmates and friends established
the scholarship in his honor, they stipulated that it be given
annually to the senior who best exemplifies Sach's character,
intelligence, and commitment, and whose scholarship is most likely
to benefit the public. The scholarship provides tuition and
support for two years of graduate study.

For her senior thesis in the Wilson School, Rogers is exploring
the formation and evolution of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development. Last summer, she received
university funding to travel to Europe to complete on-site
research in the bank's Chief Economist's Section. To complete a
certificate in the university's Theater and Dance Program,
meanwhile, Rogers is doing a second senior thesis. For that
creative thesis, she will perform in February in a production of
Edward Albee's play A Delicate Balance.

The performing arts have been the focus of Rogers' extracurricular
activities at Princeton. Most recently, she played the role of
Marion in Georg Buchner's Danton's Death. She has also been
involved in numerous other theatrical and dance projects,
performing as well as directing and providing technical support.
In addition, she has been involved with the Student Volunteers
Council, working with troubled and runaway adolescents.

Rogers has had noteworthy summer jobs and projects during her
Princeton career. She worked last July for a law firm handling
international banking and corporate law in Vienna. While in
Europe, she did additional research on the Central European legal
structure under a university grant. The previous summer, Rogers
interned in the Washington office of U.S. Sen. J. Bennett
Johnston. In addition, she spent parts of the last three summers
working for Tulane University President Eamon Kelly.

Rogers, a graduate of St. Martin's Episcopal High School, is the
daughter of Dr. James T. Rogers, Jr., and Pamela Ann Rogers of New