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Release: Jan. 20, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

Menashri to Speak on Islamic Fundamentalism
and the Middle East Peace Process

Princeton, NJ--David Menashri, senior research fellow at the Moshe
Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and a
professor in Tel Aviv University's Department of Middle Eastern
and African History, will speak on Iran, Islamic Fundamentalism,
and the Middle East Peace Process, at Princeton University's
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on
Tuesday, February, 14 at 4:30 p.m. in Bowl 6, Robertson Hall.

Menashri, who has been a visiting Fulbright scholar at Princeton
University and Cornell University, is the editor of the Survey
Islamic Fundamentalism: A Challenge to Regional Stability (Moshe
Dayan Center, 1993; in Hebrew). His other major publications
include Education and the Making of Modern Iran (Cornell
University Press, 1992); Iran, A Decade of War and Revolution
(Homes and Meier, 1990); and Iran in Revolution (Hakibuz Hameuhad,
1988; in Hebrew). The editor of The Iranian Revolution and the
Muslim World (Westview Press, 1990), he is currently editing a
volume entitled Central Asia Meets the Middle East.

He is the recipient of numerous grants and awards; among them
major grants from the Ford Foundation and the Ben Gurion
Foundation. His books on Iran have earned him the Landau Prize and
the Ben Gurion Prize. He is a frequent commentator for print and
electronic media in Israel and other countries.

His talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.