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Release: Jan. 20, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

Peace Corps Director Carol Bellamy to Speak on
"New Frontiers in the Former Soviet Republics"

Princeton, N.J.--Carol Bellamy, director of the Peace Corps, will
speak on "The Peace Corps in the '90s: New Frontiers in the Former
Soviet Republics," at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs on Monday, February 6, at 8:00
p.m. in Bowl 1, Robertson Hall.

Bellamy, appointed the head of the Peace Corps by President
Clinton in 1993, was once a volunteer for the Peace Corps, and is
the first volunteer to return to head the agency. Her career
includes significant public sector service--she served in the New
York State Senate from 1973 until 1977, and in 1978 became the
first woman president of the New York City Council, a position she
held until 1985. Most recently, she was the managing director in
the Public Finance Department at Bear Stearns & Co.

The Peace Corps, which currently brings its mission of promoting
world peace through education and understanding to 93 countries,
has begun serving in many of the former Soviet Republics. Its
volunteers participate in projects relating to education, health,
the environment, business, and agriculture.

Since the Peace Corps was established by President Kennedy in
1961, 140,000 volunteers have served in more than 100 countries
around the world.

Bellamy's talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.