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For immediate release: Oct. 11, 2004
Media contact: Patricia Allen, (609) 258-6108, pallen@princeton.edu

Editors: Photos are available at: http://www.princeton.edu/pr/pictures/g-k/harvey_laurel/

Harvey named University's chief compliance officer

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Laurel Harvey, a member of the administration since 1981 and currently general manager for administration, has been named the University's chief compliance officer, effective Nov. 1.

As a member of the president's cabinet, she will be responsible for monitoring, coordinating and providing general oversight for efforts throughout the University to ensure compliance with internal policies and procedures and with external requirements imposed by law, regulation and contracts or grants.

As general manager for administration and compliance, Harvey will continue to report to Vice President for Administration Mark Burstein. On compliance issues, she also will report to the Executive Compliance Committee (ECC) and will work closely with Director of Internal Audit Joseph Bielamowicz, who also has a direct reporting relationship to that committee. Members of the ECC are Burstein, who serves as chair, Vice President and Secretary Robert Durkee, Treasurer Christopher McCrudden and General Counsel Peter McDonough.

"Princeton has a long history of taking compliance responsibilities very seriously, and of recognizing that the most effective compliance programs distribute responsibility to the heads of offices, departments and programs across the University," Burstein said. "At the same time, with institutions throughout society being held to higher standards of scrutiny and with dramatic increases in recent years in the number of requirements with which universities need to comply, we and the Trustee Audit Committee have thought it prudent to strengthen the ECC and to ask a senior member of the administration to monitor and coordinate our compliance efforts and to make sure that managers and others throughout the University have the information and other tools they need to carry out their responsibilities effectively.

"I can't imagine a better person to take on this role than Laurel Harvey," Burstein added. "As a former director of the Office of Risk Management and as the person to whom the Office of Environmental Health and Safety reports, Laurel has direct experience in several key compliance areas. Through the positions she has held and her service on a variety of cross-departmental committees, she has developed an insightful understanding of how the University works. She is a problem solver, highly collaborative, hard working and devoted to Princeton. I very much look forward to working with her, and learning from her, as she takes on these important responsibilities."

Harvey said, "My goal in this new assignment will be to ensure that colleagues throughout the University have the central administrative support they need to understand and follow the policies, regulations, contractual obligations and laws that apply to them. This position is not intended to add another layer of bureaucracy; in fact, its intention is just the opposite -- to make compliance easier, not harder.

"When I served on the University's Radiation Safety Committee, I learned that it is just as important to eliminate unnecessary or redundant rules and revise outdated policies as it is to make sure that we properly understand our obligations and comply with them, especially in areas where risk is significant and material," she continued. "I will also put mechanisms in place that allow any member of the University community who has suggestions or concerns about compliance to communicate those concerns, anonymously if they would like, and to know that they will receive careful and appropriate attention."

Compliance areas range from environmental health and safety regulations and requirements associated with research grants and endowed funds to rules regarding equal opportunity, fire safety, conflicts of interest, federal tax policy, immigration, intellectual property, privacy of records, personnel policies, participation in intercollegiate athletics and many other areas. The compliance effort also extends to internal policies regarding matters such as appropriate expenditure of funds, reimbursement for business expenses, and the hiring and supervision of staff.

In addition to her new compliance role, Harvey also will be taking on another new set of responsibilities, serving as a principal point of contact in Nassau Hall for the managers of academic departments and programs. While these managers report directly to their faculty chairs and directors, they have not had as much connection as they would like to central administrative offices. In this role, Harvey will help to make sure that these managers have the information and administrative support they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible. In her work with the academic managers, Harvey will be assisted over the next few months by Lisa Biagas, director of organizational effectiveness in the Office of Human Resources, who will be on a short-term special assignment in the Office of the Vice President for Administration.

A graduate of Middlebury College with an MBA from the University of Rochester, Harvey came to the University in 1981 as manager of planned giving. Five years later she became the associate director of investments and then the assistant vice president for finance and administration. In 1995 she was named associate treasurer and director of the Office of Risk Management, and in 2002 she was appointed to her current position.

A former University representative on the board of the Greater Princeton Chamber of Commerce and a past chair of the University-NOW Nursery School board of directors, she currently represents the University on the board of the Mpala research facility in Kenya.

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