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For immediate release: June 7, 2004
Media contact: Patricia Allen, (609) 258-6108, pallen@princeton.edu

Media advisory: Greenstein offers comment on President Reagan

PRINCETON, N.J. -- The late Ronald Reagan will be remembered as an American president whose skill as a public communicator and steadfast convictions made him a major political force during the 20th century, according to Fred I. Greenstein, a leading scholar on the American presidency.

Greenstein, a nationally recognized authority on American presidents and an emeritus professor of politics at Princeton University, is available for comment on the legacy of President Reagan. He and other scholars can be contacted through Patricia Allen, media relations manager, at (609) 258-6108.

"Reagan was the first White House occupant who had been a career public communicator before entering politics. Reagan turned his professionalism to good advantage, carrying off his rhetorical responsibilities with a virtuosity exceeded only by FDR," Greenstein wrote in "The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to George W. Bush" (Princeton University Press, 2004). "The Reagan administration burst into office with a display of political effectiveness that will be studied for years to come."

"The Presidential Difference," released in an expanded second edition this year, provides comprehensive analyses of Reagan's political and leadership abilities during his years in the White House. Greenstein, the author or editor of many books on the presidency, is currently the director of the Program in Leadership Studies at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

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