
Office of Communications
22 Chambers St.
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
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For immediate release: May 14, 2003
Contact: Patricia Allen, (609) 258-6108, pallen@princeton.edu

New freshman parking rule takes effect in September
Incoming students prohibited from bringing cars on campus

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Princeton University announced today that freshmen will no longer be permitted to park on campus beginning with the class of 2007. The new policy will take effect at the beginning of the 2003-04 academic year.

"Due to space constraints the University needs to restrict undergraduate parking," said Charles Kalmbach, senior vice president for administration. "The new parking rule will reduce demand for parking spaces on campus and should help reduce traffic in the local area."

The new regulation, already a standard policy at many other universities, was adopted after consultation with members of the student government’s Undergraduate Life Committee. Until the 1960s, no undergraduates were permitted to park within eight miles of the Princeton campus.

During the 2002-03 academic year, there were 1,061 undergraduate permits issued, including 85 parking permits to freshmen.

The University strongly advises freshmen against bringing their cars and attempting to park in surrounding areas because of overnight parking prohibition in the municipality.

Students with special needs, supported by medical documentation, may submit parking waiver requests to Maria Flores-Mills in the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students at (609) 258-3054.

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