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For immediate release: April 15, 2002

Contact: Marilyn Marks, 609-258-3601 or mmarks@princeton.edu

Charles Kalmbach '68 *72 named senior vice president for administration

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Charles F. Kalmbach Jr., an undergraduate and graduate alumnus of Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science whose career as a management consultant has focused on developing sustainable strategies for institutional change, has been named the University's senior vice president for administration, effective June 1.

In this position he will be responsible for the overall leadership, management and organization of the University's administrative affairs and for all matters pertaining to the effectiveness and well-being of the University's nonacademic staffs. As a senior member of the Cabinet, he will report directly to the president and will work closely with the president, the provost and the treasurer on a broad range of strategic issues. The vice presidents for facilities and human resources and the director of public safety will report directly to him.

Kalmbach's appointment was proposed by President Shirley M. Tilghman and approved by the Board of Trustees at its April 13 meeting.

Tilghman said: "Princeton is justly proud of its reputation as one of the world's best-managed universities and of the enormous talent and dedication of its nonacademic staffs. It is essential that we provide strong leadership in this area, so I am delighted that Charles Kalmbach has agreed to take on senior-level responsibility for policy and strategy, as well as for management and staff development, involving all of the nonacademic activities and employees of the University.

He is highly regarded for his creativity and vision in helping complex organizations to improve and change, and for his sound judgment, his analytical and problem-solving skills, his commitment to collaboration and team-building, and his ability to listen and to learn and then apply what he has learned," Tilghman said. He also brings a lifetime association with Princeton as a student, teacher, consultant and highly valued volunteer. I look forward to working with him on a broad range of important issues."

A member of the Princeton undergraduate class of 1968, Kalmbach graduated magna cum laude in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences and served as chair of the Engineering Council, a student government organization for all of the engineering departments. He stayed on at Princeton to conduct research and teach, receiving his Ph.D. from the same department in 1972. (The department is now known as the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.) In 1975 he received a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and then he spent a year as an assistant professor at the Wharton School teaching strategy and law.

After two years as managing director and organizer of the International Business Forum in Philadelphia, Kalmbach joined the Philadelphia National Bank as the vice president in charge of its European corporate portfolio and for three years opened and then directed the bank's European corporate office in Germany. In 1985 he moved to the consulting firm McKinsey & Co. as a manager and global practice leader, and in 1989 he joined PriceWaterhouse & Co. as a managing partner for its strategy practice and its organizational change practices. At both firms he worked with clients in commercial and investment banking, insurance, reinsurance and health care.

In 1996, Kalmbach moved to Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) in Chicago as global managing partner for its organization strategy and organization and human performance practice, where he has developed particular expertise in global organization and corporate strategy, the assimilation of large-scale change, alliance formation, post-merger integration and cross-border transfer of knowledge and technology. His clients have included a variety of industries, including hospitality, banking, publishing and broadcasting companies, and a number of non-profit and governmental institutions, including the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. He is also the author of more than 20 published articles on engineering, legal and business subjects. He is a principal author of "The Paradox Principles: How High-Performance Companies Manage Chaos, Complexity and Contradiction to Achieve Superior Results" and a contributing author of "Better Change: Best Practices for Transforming Your Organization" (both Irwin Publishing Co.).

A member of the advisory council for Princeton's School of Engineering and Applied Science, Kalmbach has helped the school create a strategy for future development. Dean James Wei described him as "an excellent consultant who assembled a group of key faculty at two retreats, laid out our strategic position and future options, and put together a plan for the future. He was very good at working with people, listening to their hopes with sensitivity to their problems, creative with new ideas for getting around obstacles, and constructive in channeling consensus toward a workable plan. He is also," he added, "a good friend and a loyal Princetonian."

Kalmbach, of Kenilworth, Ill., has served his class for more than 30 years as an agent for Annual Giving and as class chair and reunion chair, and has been an active alumnus in the Chicago area. He and his wife, Susan, who teaches middle school science and math, have four children, two of whom have attended Princeton: Abigail, a member of the class of 2000 who majored in electrical engineering and is currently teaching for Princeton-in-Asia in Thailand; and Nicholas, a member of the class of 2004 who is majoring in operations research and financial engineering. Their son Ted is a graduate of Boston College and a Fulbright Scholar who is about to enter law school and their son Andrew is completing ninth grade.

"This is a terrific time to join the new administration," Kalmbach said. "President Tilghman has assembled an outstanding team of academic and administrative officers eager to take on the challenges of academic administration in the 21st century."

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