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For immediate release: Apr. 5, 2002

Contact: Ruta Smithson (609) 258-3763, rutas@Princeton.EDU

Princeton University Art Museum launches new Web site

PRINCETON -- The Princeton University Art Museum launched its new Website, princetonartmuseum.org, on April 1.

In addition to general information about the museum and its educational resources, the elegantly designed site includes easily accessible information about the museum‚s collections, exhibitions, programs, and publications. Also included are sections on curators‚ choices and a press room, which will enable newspapers, magazines, and the electronic media to receive information on special museum exhibitions and events and related images.

A special projects section employs the technology uniquely associated with web-based initiatives to develop interactive projects that present new research and scholarship on the museum‚s permanent collection. Future initiatives will offer classes based on museum exhibitions and collections and visits to special web-based projects developed by museum staff and curators.

„It is our hope that visiting the museum through the Website will be helpful and enjoyable,‰ said Susan M. Taylor, director of the museum, „and that it will encourage web browsers to visit the art museum and experience first-hand the collections, exhibitions, and events.‰

Developed by Swim Design Consultants, Silver Spring, Maryland, this is the first professionally designed site for the museum. The production of the site was coordinated in the museum‚s publications department by Jill Guthrie, managing editor. For further information, please contact the museum‚s webmaster, Janet Strohl.

The art museum is open to the public without charge. Free highlights tours of the collection are given every Saturday at 2 p.m. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. It is closed on Monday and major holidays. The Museum Shop closes at 5 p.m.

The museum is located in the middle of the Princeton University campus. Picasso‚s large sculpture Head of a Woman stands in front. For further information, please call (609) 258-3788.

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