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Contact: Deanna K.G. Ferrante, 609-258-1651

For immediate release: Sept. 20, 2001

Media advisory:

Former Irish prime minister to speak on Irish peace process

WHO: John Bruton, former prime minister of Ireland and current vice president of the European People's Party

WHAT: Lecture on "A First-Hand Report on the Irish Peace Process." Free and open to the public.

WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 4:30 p.m.

WHERE: Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall on the Princeton campus

John Bruton was elected prime minister in 1994 and served until 1997. As prime minister, Bruton was responsible for the introduction of a corporate tax policy to which many attribute Ireland's current economic success. He also served as president of the Office of the European Council from June to December 1996, presiding over the Irish presidency of the European Union as ministers in his government chaired E.U. ministerial meetings. At the Dublin E.U. Summit in 1996, he helped finalize the Growth and Stability Pact that governs the management of the Euro.

From 1981 through 1987 Bruton held the posts of minister of finance, minister for the public service, and minister for industry, trade, commerce and tourism. He also was leader of the Irish House of Representatives from 1982-1986 and was deeply involved in the Irish peace process.

Currently vice president of the European People's Party, he is co-chairing a study of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of the E.U. in the context of concerns about farm incomes, food safety and environmental protection.

Bruton's lecture is cosponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Program in Leadership Studies, the Fund for Irish Studies and the Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice, Department of Politics.

