
September 11, 2001

To Members of the University Community:

I have spent the day, as I am sure you have, shocked, angered, and deeply saddened by the horrific events that took place this morning and by the devastating loss of life.

I know that many in this community are being touched, either directly or indirectly, by these events. I want to extend my deepest sympathies to those whose loved ones have been lost or injured. This has been a day of tragic and horrible loss, and as a University community we want to do anything we can to be helpful to those in need As you may have seen from the University's Web page, we have established a special response center in the Frist campus center that will be available all night, in person or by phone, to respond to inquiries and provide assistance. In addition, counselors will be available at Frist and throughout the campus to help all of us come to terms with these unspeakable acts.

Two events have already been scheduled that are designed to help us respond to these events both intellectually and emotionally. One is a discussion among experts on terrorism that is taking place this afternoon at the Woodrow Wilson School. The other is a vigil for peace and understanding in McCosh courtyard this evening. I hope as many members of the University community as possible will find ways in the days ahead to reach out to others, both individually and collectively, in understanding and in support. We need to join together in expressing our outrage at those individuals who would commit these heinous and criminal acts, and in expressing our strong sense of common humanity in the diverse and multinational community that is Princeton.

I hope to have many opportunities myself over these next few days to talk personally with many of you and to share in our collective expressions of community and mutual support.

Shirley M. Tilghman