For immediate release
Date: 00/00/01

From: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones
2145 Main Street
Middletown, NY 00000
(914) 555-2323

Sample title if needed 

Lydia Jones, daughter of Peter and Mary Jones of 2145 Main St., Middletown, was awarded the bachelor of science degree with highest honors at Princeton University's 254th Commencement on June 5. Jones, who majored in chemistry, will begin graduate study in September at the University of California, Berkeley.

The recipient of Princeton's McKay Prize for the best thesis in organic chemistry, Jones also was elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society. In her junior year, she won the Wallis Prize in chemistry.

While at Princeton, Jones was a representative to the Undergraduate Student Government in her junior and senior years and a member of the varsity softball team for three years.

Jones was valedictorian of the 1993 graduating class at Middletown High School, where she played basketball and softball and was managing editor of the high school newspaper.

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