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For immediate release: April 27, 2001

Contact: Brad Wilcox at (609) 258-6977

Media advisory:

Spring conference on "Ties that Bind: Religion & Family in Contemporary America"

Who: Top scholars in sociology, religion, and law&endash;including Larry Bumpass, William Doherty, Robert Franklin, Irwin Garfinkel, Theodora Ooms, and Linda Waite

What: Conference on "Ties that Bind: Religion and Family in Contemporary America"

When: May 16-17, 2001

Where: Princeton University campus

Why: For much of the nation's history, the fortunes of American religion have been intimately tied to the fortunes of American families. This conference will assess the state of the relationship.

Scholars at this conference will address three central questions:

How are religious institutions responding to recent demographic, economic, and cultural changes affecting American families?

What role does religion play in shaping intergenerational ties -- especially the relationship between parents and their children?

What should religious leaders be doing to meet the critical economic, moral, and spiritual challenges facing American families?

Speakers will report new research on the role of religion among cohabiting couples with children, the effects of religion on sexuality, the effects of religion on divorce, how changes in work and family are affecting religious congregations, and the effects of conservative Protestant child-rearing on child well-being.

This conference is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Religion, the Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Well-being, the Department of Sociology and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

Registration is requested but it is free. For registration and information, including a schedule and lecture locations, visit
