Office of Communications
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Contact: Steven Schultz, 609-258-3601,

For immediate release: April 19, 2001

Media advisory:

NASA administrator Daniel Goldin to speak April 21

Who: Daniel Goldin, administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What: Keynote address of symposium on "New Directions in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering"

When: April 21 at 1:30 p.m.

Where: Room 302 of the Frist Campus Center

Reporters are invited to attend a two-day conference April 20 and 21 on "New Directions in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering" at which NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin will be a principal speaker. The conference marks 50 years of graduate aerospace studies and 100 years of graduate education at Princeton University.

Reporters wishing to cover Goldin's talk or other parts of the conference are asked to contact Janel McCaffery in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at (609) 258-5909.

Goldin, who was named to his position in 1992, is the longest-serving administrator in the history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, holding the position through four presidential administrations. He is credited with streamlining the agency's bureaucracy and providing a new vision that stresses science and technology while reducing the budget for human space flights. He played a major role in the development of the International Space Station, and revitalized the space agency during post-Cold War era.

"Dan Goldin will share his unique vision of what we can expect the new millennia to bring in space exploration," said Alexander Smits, chair of the mechanical and aerospace engineering department.

Other featured talks to be given by industry and academic leaders include: "The Future of Global Communications" by John Sponyoe of Lockheed Martin Global Communications; "The Future of the Automobile" by Rodney Tabaczynski of Ford Motor Co.; "Intelligent Systems in Space" by Louis Lanzerotti of BellLabs/Lucent Technologies; "New Directions in the Aeronautical Industry" by Allen Haggerty of the Boeing Co., and "The New Biology in Engineering" by Robert Nerem of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The symposium will be held in the Frist Campus Center. Additional information can be obtained by calling 609-258-5909, or by visiting the symposium Web site at NASA expects to broadcast Goldin's talk on its NASA Television news service next week. See the NASA-TV Website at for schedule information.
