
"Head of a Woman" by Pablo Picasso, inched by truck down Elm Drive to its location near Spelman Hall.


Heading down the road

June 18 was moving day for "Head of a Woman," the cast concrete sculpture by Pablo Picasso.
     The artwork was trucked from its former location near the entrance to the University Art Museum to a new spot near Spelman Hall. The relocation was necessary because of the expansion of Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology in McCormick Hall adjacent to the museum.


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     Officials put a great deal of thought into selecting a new place for the piece, according to Susan Taylor, director of the Art Museum. "The site was carefully chosen to present the sculpture in the most appropriate and optimal way for the public," she said, noting that a landscaping plan for the area will further enhance the work.
     Marquand Library is undergoing its first significant renovation and expansion in almost 40 years; the work will accommodate a collection that has been growing by more than 6,000 volumes each year at the same time it provides for more Internet access, computers, scanners and other tools for digital research. There will be many more seats for the students and faculty who increasingly want to use the library, and for the first time there will be a special room where users can consult the library's most rare and valuable volumes. The renovation is scheduled to be completed next summer.
     For more information about the future of Princeton's libraries, read the Princeton Weekly Bulletin.




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