Class Day 2011

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» 2011 graduation week media

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Members of the class of 2011 gather on Princeton's Cannon Green to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers and share reflections on their Princeton experiences at the Class Day ceremony Monday, May 30. New class president Jonathan Gary holds the symbolic, oversized "key to campus" presented by Princeton President Shirley M. Tilghman to invite students to stay connected to the University after graduating.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson (2011)

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Brooke Shields, an actress, author and advocate, delivers the Class Day keynote address wearing the class jacket of her 1987 Princeton graduating class -- and orange-and-black sunglasses.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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Class Day speaker Brooke Shields (left), wearing the class jacket of her 1987 Princeton graduating class, and Princeton President Shirley M. Tilghman talk on stage before the Class Day ceremony.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson (2011)

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Seniors applaud during one of the many humorous speeches given on Class Day.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Brian Wilson (2011)

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Senior class president Alex Rosen receives a late, on-stage contribution from a classmate to the University's annual fundraising drive, which results in the class of 2011 breaking the record for senior class participation with more than 94 percent of seniors donating.

Photo: Brian Wilson, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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Class Secretary Shaina Li (left) presents Tony Cifelli, supervisor building services foreman, with a certificate as he is named one of 11 honorary members of the class of 2011, five of whom were recognized at Class Day.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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Class Day speaker Brooke Shields (left), admires a framed certificate naming her as an honorary member of the class of 2011, while senior Kristen Davila and President Tilghman look on. As an honorary class member, Shields also received a new class jacket.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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Members of the class of 2011 celebrate the bonds formed during their four years at Princeton by honoring each other's achievements and sharing some amusing stories.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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Students laugh and cheer during one of the many humorous speeches of the day.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)

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The graduating seniors stand for the singing of the alma mater, "Old Nassau," in their new class jackets, which echo the shape of the Princeton shield with the 2011 numerals.

Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications, Denise Applewhite (2011)


» 2011 graduation week media