Weekly Bulletin
December 13, 1999
Vol. 89, No. 12
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Page one news and features
Two miles underground ... studying subsurface microbes
Social dance and social life
In the news

Director's Alert profiles Shapiro

Nassau Notes

Grants available

Deadlines. This issue of the Princeton Weekly Bulletin is the last of 1999. It covers four weeks, December 13 through January 9, 2000. The copy deadline for the next issue, which covers the three-week period January 10 through 30, is Wednesday, December 29.

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Subscriptions. Anyone may subscribe to the Bulletin. Subscriptions for the academic year are $24 (half price for current Princeton parents and people over 65), payable in advance to Princeton University. Send check to Communi-cations, Stanhope Hall. Members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin free.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
   Caroline Moseley
Calendar and
production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Contributing writers:
   Justin Harmon,
   Ken Howard,
   Steven Schultz
   Denise Applewhite
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett



Two miles underground


Gold mines present "ideal environment" for geologists studying subsurface microbes
    For his first assignment as a post-doctoral scholar at Princeton, Duane Moser stepped into a steel cage and dropped two miles into the earth.
    Heat, darkness and air pressure closed in as he plummeted downward at 40 miles per hour, shoulder to shoulder with about 30 miners. Their destination was the bottom of Shaft No. 5 in East Driefontein Gold Mine, 60 miles southwest of Johannesburg, South Africa.
    Moser's quarry was not gold but microbes living deep in the earth, life forms so ancient and so alien from anything seen on the surface that they could lead to a new understanding of the origin of life on earth as well as life on other planets. [>>more]


Social dance and social life

Freshman seminar examines 20th-century American culture
    They take to the floor all elbows and knees, bodies tense, faces frozen in scholarly concentration. The 15 freshmen have just spent the last 90 minutes stretching their minds; now they're challenged to stretch their bodies. Minds were easier.
    Back step. Touch step. Triple step.
    Knees start loosening up. Hips start swinging. Left hands trace circles in the air. And the rubber soles start stomping in the dance studio in Wilson College.
    This is a freshman seminar called Shall We Dance? [>>more]

Director's Alert profiles Shapiro

Reprinted from Corporate America's Outstanding Directors 1999, published by Director's Alert
    ... "Harold has superb intellectual credentials. I don't know how much more superb you can get," sums up Barbara Hackman Franklin.
    Franklin speaks from first-hand experience. She sits with Shapiro on the Dow Chemical board. "Because of his intellectually elegant background, he has an unusual analytic ability."
    Dow Chemical chairman Frank Popoff agrees. "Toward the end of a debate, people start looking to Harold for his opinion," he notes. [>>more]

In the news

Princeton connection
Former New Jersey Senator Bradley has presented a far more formidable challenge to Vice President Al Gore for the Democratic nomination than most pundits anticipated, partly a result of his secret fundraising weapon: the Princeton connection.
    In candidates' efforts to tap into any networks they can, college ties often prove a good place to start.
    For Bradley, his network of Princeton fundraisers, donors, and campaign workers goes well beyond people he knew at the school when he was there from 1961 to 1965. He's attracting young Princeton grads, male and female, including former students of renowned literature professor John McPhee, who immortalized Bradley in his 1965 book "A Sense of Where You Are."
    Still, says [Stansilaw] Maliszewski ['66], Princeton grads' pride in Bradley is "not a 100 percent Bill Bradley phenomenon. It's a Princeton phenomenon."
